Ch. 10 Bring It On

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I FOUND OUT THAT HAYLEY HAD MADE A DEAL WITH KATHERINE WHILE I WAS IN MYSTIC FALLS. The same Katherine who made Jenna stab herself in the stomach. Katherine stabbed Hayley in the back- metaphorically- killed Jeremy Gilbert- literally- and ran.

Me and Hayley stopped at a truck stop, to get some gas and a few snacks. We walked outside, cautiously. We knew Katherine wanted us both dead. We both spun around as we heard metal clank behind us, but there was no one there. Then we turned the other way only to see a vampire. He ran at us, shoving Hayley to the side and grabbing me by the throat.

No matter how much training I did, fighting was difficult when a vampire had me by the throat. He was thrown off me, however, and I fell to the ground. Klaus grabbed him, appearing suddenly. "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady," he told him. He bit him, before throwing him to the side. Klaus smirked at me.

"You came," I said, smiling. He helped me up. I wasn't as mad at him now as I had been a few days ago, but the anger was still there.

"Well, you did say it was urgent," Klaus told me. Hayley got up, standing close to me. It was obvious she didn't trust the hybrid at all. And both our sisterly instincts seemed to have began to kick in when it came to protecting each other.

I glanced at the vampire and he ran away. "Don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it through tomorrow night," Klaus promised.

"What if there are more?" Hayley wondered.

"You were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova. She used you to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live," Klaus told her.

"You said you would protect us," I reminded.

His eyes moved back to me. "When have I not protected you? And I will protect Hayley, just as soon as you two tell me everything you know about Katerina."


I sat in the Mikaelson dining room, across from Klaus, with Hayley next to me. He had had his compelled chef fix us dinner. I pushed my plate back, picking up my glass.

"So you're both rested, you're both fed. Tell me about Katerina," Klaus said.

"Most men get their power kicks from torture and intimidation. With you it is drinks and fine dining," Hayley noticed.

Klaus smiled. "Well, in your case, I favor hospitality over unpleasantness, but I have been known to change my mind on a whim. Where is Katerina?" he asked again.

"You seriously think we know?" I asked.

"You tipped her off as to what we were up to and set her on a course for the cure. In return, she sent her lackey to snuff you out. Tell me, what did Katerina promise you?" he wondered.

Hayley sat up. "We were in New Orleans trying to get information about our real parents."

"Biological," I corrected, earning a small glare from my sister.

"Katherine found me and told me she could help," Hayley finished.

"An orphan? Well, that does explain your charming bravado. Abandonment issues will do it every time," Klaus said.

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