Ch. 2 Memorial

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AFTER GETTING A CALL FROM MY SISTER, I HEADED TO THE SALVATORE HOUSE. She had taken Tyler there after he was shot multiple times by a new vampire hunter in town. Me and Caroline were standing to the side, while Stefan took the bullets out.

"Please tell me that's the last one," Caroline begged as Stefan yanked yet another bullet out of Tyler.

"These were specially carved. The length, the width. If you were a normal vampire, you would be dead," Stefan said, inspecting the wooden bullets.

"This guy knew what he was doing. His gloves must have been steeped in vervain. He was looking for a vampire and he didn't hesitate for a second when he found one," Tyler told us.

"Lovely. So now me and Jeremy aren't the only two hunters in town," I muttered.

"These etchings," Stefan said, looking at them. He tried to touch it, but gasped and pulled his hand back. I winced, knowing it had burned him.

"Are the bullets spelled?" Caroline wondered.

"I don't know. They're something," Stefan said.

"Okay, that's tomorrow's problem. Is he all good now, because I really need to get to work," I said.

"You work?" Caroline asked, sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes. "I told you. I am trying to be normal. I finally just caved and begged Matt for a job at the Grill," I said.

"How are you affording your own place working at the Grill?" Caroline wondered.

"I'm not. Alaric paid the rent on his apartment for the next year. I'm living there," I said.

"You're taking advantage of our dead friend? Of course," Tyler muttered.

"Hey, I don't see you paying for every one of our child's meals," I snapped at my ex. He frowned and I sighed. We hadn't really talked about child support or any of that. My mom had been helping me with everything till I moved out.

"Look, I'm not going to fight you on child support, I don't care and I can take care of her on my own. Your mom helps me with a lot as it is," I told him. "But I needed somewhere to stay that wasn't my mother's house. Jeremy told me Alaric says it's fine."

"You asked Jeremy to disturb Alaric to ask him if you could live in his apartment?" Stefan asked.

I smiled and nodded. "Yep," I said. "What? Am I not supposed to take advantage of the fact that Jeremy can talk to the dead?"

They all shook their heads at me. "Look, when one of you has to find a way to make it on your own with a one year old without using compulsion, you can complain. But I didn't think any of you wanted my child living on french fries," I said.


Later that day was Pastor Young's memorial. The same Pastor Young who had kidnapped me and my sister. I had to go, despite how much I hated it. Him and the whole Founder's Council had conveniently been blown up by a gas leak. It seemed like too much of a coincidence for me, but I still had to go.

I walked into the church, feeling extremely awkward. I had worn a black dress, and had found one for Lilly. But everyone in town knew I hadn't been in this church for a very long time, or any for that matter. I scooted in next to Caroline and Tyler.

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