Ch. 1 Bad Moon Rising

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GETTING OUT OF THE CAR, I LOOKED UP AT THE FAMILIAR HOUSE. I had only been gone a year, but the place didn't seem like home anymore. Not after the last time I had been here. I let out a sigh and walked up to the porch. I unlocked the door using the key my mom kept hidden under the doormat.

"I'm home," I yelled, informing the empty house.

I knew my sister had been in the hospital having surgery after a car wreck, but I wasn't sure if she had gotten released yet. I wasn't even sure when she had been admitted. That probably makes me sound like a bad sister, but it is kind of hard to keep track when you live in a whole different state.

"Mom? I'm here! Your wonderful daughter has returned," I yelled. There was no response. "Okay, I guess I'm alone. And now I'm talking to myself. Why do I always talk to myself?"

I headed to my old room. I was a little surprised to see everything was right where I had left it. A part of me had thought my mother would change it, but apparently not. From my Twilight poster to the old pink comforter, it was all still there. I scowled at my awful fifteen year old taste. I dropped my bags, before tearing my room apart. I took everything off my bed and all my horrible old decorations down. The girl who had put them up was gone and I didn't really want them around anymore.

I found some boxes in the attic and started cleaning out almost all of my stuff. By the time I was done, half the clothes and everything else in my room was in boxes.

This me and sixteen year old me would be mortal enemies at this point. It was funny how much you could change in a year. And I had changed a lot. I was pretty sure the town of Mystic Falls would be grateful for it. The old me had been a lot to handle.

I suddenly realized it was dark outside. I wondered what time it was since I wasn't on Virginia time yet. I guessed it was fairly late, meaning I couldn't go donate any of the old junk sitting around my room. I sighed and ordered a pizza, wondering when my mother or sister would get home.

The door swung open, and a clearly upset Caroline walked in. "Hey, Care," I called, as if I hadn't been gone for over a year. No matter how long we spent a part, I could recognize that my sister was upset. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes widened as she realized I was actually here. "Rory?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I thought I would come home for the first time in forever," I said.

She smiled through her tears and pulled me into a hug. "Me and Matt broke up," she said.

I wrapped my arms around my sister. "I didn't know you two were together," I admitted. She sobbed into my shoulder, and I winced because I knew she had just gotten snot in my hair. She seems so pretty and perfect, but she definitely isn't when she is crying. "But I'm really sorry." I rubbed her back.

After a few minutes, I managed to calm down my crying mess of a sister. We sat down on the couch and started catching up on what we had missed in the past year of each other's lives. Well, I gave her one version of what I had been doing. Eventually my pizza arrived and we both got plates.

Caroline looked at the greasy pepperoni in disgust. "I can't believe you eat like this," she said.

"Not all of us like salad," I reminded.

"At least it isn't as disgusting as this. Do you realize how bad this is for you?" she wondered.

"My body pretty much relies on Pepsi," I said. She rolled her eyes. "So, what we watchin'?" I asked.

"Hopefully something where they use better grammar," she said.

"Haha. Gilmore Girls?" She shrugged and I put it on.

"When did you figure out how to get into my Netflix account?" she asked.

"Like two days after you set it up. I know all of your passwords and all of your emails," I responded.

"Why was I glad you're back?" she wondered.

"I have no idea."


We both ended up passing out in Caroline's room. I woke up at two in the morning, cold. I yanked the blanket back from my sister and rolled over so I was facing the door. I thought I had heard something.

Our mom was standing in the doorway. I smiled at her. I hadn't spoken to my mom since I left. It wasn't like she had really tried to talk to me, though. "Hi," I whispered.

"Hi," she whispered, smiling back.


The next morning, I woke up with the sun pouring in the window. I slowly opened my eyes, and was scared half to death. I sat up straight, staring at who looked like my sister's old friend, Elena.

"Elena, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked. I elbowed my sister, making her sit up straight.

"Elena?" Caroline mumbled.

"Nope, try again," the girl said.

"I'm really not in the mood for this," I muttered, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Why don't you shut up," Elena told me.

"Not a chance, you little twit," I snapped.

She tilted her head at me, but turned her attention back to my sister.

"You're Katherine," Caroline said, and I could hear the fear in her voice.

Katherine, as my sister had called her, sat down on the bed, making Caroline back up so far she almost pushed me off the bed. "Don't be frightened," Katherine said. "We're going to have so much fun together." She glanced at me. "All three of us, apparently."

I swear the next chapter is better. Please vote and comment to let me know what you think!

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