Ch. 2 Memory Lane

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AFTER MAKING HER THREATS, KATHERINE LEFT AND I BEGAN TO FREAK OUT. How exactly were you supposed to react to being threatened by a vampire first thing in the morning? Me and Caroline were now in the living room. She was sitting down as I paced. "What didn't you tell me?" I asked my sister.

"How was I supposed to tell you? You've been gone for over a year, and during that time I turned into a vampire. How do you explain that to your sister?" Caroline wondered.

"I don't know, but I would have liked a heads up before I woke up to an evil vampire that looks like my frenemy watching me sleep," I yelled at her.

"Look, I can explain, but I need you to sit down and calm down," Caroline told me.

I sighed and took a seat. "Start talking."

"Okay, so while I was in the hospital, no one knew if I was going to make it. Damon, a vampire, gave me his blood to heal me. That night, Katherine killed me."

My eyes widened. "You see, if you die with vampire blood in your system, you become a vampire."

"You're a vampire?" I asked. She nodded. "You died?" Another nod.

"Please don't be afraid of me," she said.

"Care, you're my sister. I'm not afraid of you. I'm just sad that this happened to you," I said, pulling her into a hug. She held onto me, as she began crying. Me and Caroline were really different, but I had learned a long time ago that the one person she would never hurt was me.


Doing as Katherine asked, me and Caroline went to Elena's Aunt Jenna's barbecue. I honestly loved Jenna and Jeremy, along with Elena's deceased parents. I loved her family, minus her and Uncle John. I just couldn't take Elena. She insisted on being whiney and annoying, when she had had such an easy life compared to some people. She was upset because she lost her parents, I got that. But I couldn't pity the girl. I didn't pity easily, not even when it came to perfect little Elena.

Caroline had explained everything to me. About vampires and witches and even doppelgangers. I knew her, Stefan, Damon, and Katherine were vampires. I had never met Stefan and Damon, but I guessed I would soon. She also told me Bonnie was a witch. Honestly, that wasn't all that surprising. I loved Bonnie Bennett, but she could be pretty witchy.

She also explained that they thought Tyler Lockwood was a werewolf, along with his Uncle Mason. I didn't like talking about Tyler. We weren't on the best terms at the moment.

"Hey. I'm just checking in. Did you get my message about Jenna's barbecue?" Elena was saying into her phone. She noticed me and Caroline walking out onto the porch, and quickly ended the call. "Call me when you can."

Me and my sister sat down next to her. I would much rather be at home watching Supernatural, but I had to do Katherine's bidding for Matt's sake. She was threatening to kill him if we didn't.

"That Stefan?" Caroline asked, stuffing chips in her mouth. She had brought a whole bowl of chips out on the porch with her. 

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