Ch. 19 As I Lay Dying

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THE NEXT DAY MYSTIC FALLS WAS HOSTING A MOVIE IN THE SQUARE. It was Gone With the Wind, one of Caroline's favorites. I couldn't stand it, but we all needed an excuse to keep us busy. If we didn't the black hole from yesterday would get big enough to swallow us again.

So, me and Caroline packed a picnic basket and me, her, Lilly, Elena, Jeremy and, surprisingly, Tyler all headed to the square. Tyler was trying to get back to being normal. He was making an effort to try to get back on my good side.

A ton of girls were dressed in old fashioned dresses and there were photobooths and all kinds of stuff in celebration. Caroline carried her two baskets full of food, while I carried Lilly. Tyler walked next to me, clearly not sure what he was supposed to be doing. "There you guys are! Who's hungry?" Caroline asked as we saw Elena and Jeremy laying the blanket out.

"Are we really doing this?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes, we are really doing this. We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the war. I know you guys went through hell, and my mom knows I'm a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere!" Caroline said, raising a hand in the air.

I shook my head at my sister and got comfortable.

Jeremy sighed. "All right," he said. "What are we eating?"

"Something good," Caroline said, as we started getting the food out.

"Yes, and it is actually good because she made all of it," I told them.

Everyone laughed at me. "I thought you would be against this too," Jeremy said, looking over at me.

"Oh, I hate the movie. The girl is a love struck idiot who loses everything because she refuses to see the good things she has. Plus, she whines way too much for someone who has never had to work at anything in her life," I said.

"Hey, don't hate on Scarlett," Caroline whined.

"She has maids and slaves to do everything for her. She almost never works at anything. They even take care of her children for her," I said.

"Do not ruin this for me!" Caroline yelled at me.

I sighed. "Fine. My point is, the movie and Scarlett may suck, but this is my excuse to get out of the house. I get to eat an actual meal that didn't come from a card board box, have four extra babysitters, and she will spend this entire time playing and then pass out on the way home. If it was Twilight, I would be in heaven," I said.

I sat Lilly on the blanket we were all sitting on and she immediately started crawling around. Caroline rolled her eyes at me, as everyone shook their heads.


We were all eating everything Caroline had made, and Lilly was playing around in the grass, when we saw Stefan walking towards us. "Look who couldn't resist an epic romance," Elena said.

"Will you take a walk with me for a minute?" he wondered. She got up and walked off with him.

I was stuffing my face with turkey, but noticed Lilly getting too close to someone else's picnic blanket. I sighed, starting to get up to chase her down. For someone who could barely walk, she moved fast. She seemed to get even faster when I was trying to grab her.

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