Ch. 18 The Sun Also Rises

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"Stay back, we got it," I snapped. Tyler had backed off for a moment and me and Caroline were trying to make sure the lock was secure before he tried to get in again.

He jumped at the gate again, trying to get a hold of one of us. "Get back, Caroline," I told her.

"I'm not letting you get hurt," she said.

"His bite can't kill me, let me do this," I said.

That didn't change anything, Caroline stayed right next to me, both of us holding onto the lock. Tyler started ramming into it repeatedly. "Guys, that doors not gonna hold," Matt warned.

"Ty, please," I begged.

I heard Tyler let out a yelp of pain, right as I heard the gun shot. Matt had shot him. "Matt! No. Hey, no! It's Tyler!" I cried.

"It's trying to kill us!" he reminded.

"Wait, or I will use that gun on you," I warned. I turned back to look at Ty, who was still a wolf. He was laying down, groaning. "He's wounded." I started to open the door.

"Rory, stay back," Matt told me.

"We can go around him," Caroline said.

"Are you nuts?" Matt asked.

I moved over to the human. "You aren't going to shoot him again. You may be the one with the gun, but don't think for five seconds that I can't take it from you," I told him.

"Matt, take my hand," Caroline said.

The human aimed the gun towards Tyler, glaring at me. I glared right back. "I got it," he told Caroline.

"Matt, take my hand," she repeated. He did. She looked at me. "I'll be right back."

I nodded. "I know." Then her and Matt were gone. I looked over at Tyler. "I'm sorry," I muttered.


"Come on, get in here," Caroline told us. We were breaking into the Lockwood house. I thought it was only fair given that one of the Lockwoods was trying to eat us. Caroline locked the doors as Matt looked out the window.

"Do you see anything?" I asked him

"We're not safe here. If that thing wants in, it's getting in," Matt said, loading his gun.

"I swear, shoot him one more time and the next person that gun gets used on is you," I snapped. That earned me another glare.

"What are you?" he asked.

"You know about Caroline, but not me?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'm a werewolf, only I haven't triggered my curse yet."

"How did you even know what I was? I compelled you to forget!" Caroline said.

"I was on vervain. I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea," he said, moving further into the house.

"Wait, our mom knows?" I asked, rushing after him. Me and Caroline exchanged a worried look.

"You told her? Well, what'd she say?" Caroline asked.

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