Ch. 4 We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes

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HAVING RECEIVED A TEXT FROM HAYLEY, ME AND CAROLINE HEADED TO THE LOCKWOOD'S. I knocked, while Caroline held the box of stuff we had brought.

Tyler opened the door, a look of surprise on his face as he saw us. "Brought your stuff. Old laptop, your Jersey, the charm bracelet," Caroline said, thrusting the box in her hands at Tyler.

"Care, Rory... This isn't a good time," he said. 

She shoved the box at him again. "Just take it," she said.

Klaus walked over to us. "Caroline, Rory, from the breakup drama unfolding before me, I assume you've both met Hayley," he said.

We both looked away, and Klaus nodded. "Alright then. Come on, let's go. Let's leave them alone. Your talents are needed elsewhere," Klaus told his hybrids.

"For what?" Tyler wondered.

"I think you've got more important things to deal with, mate," Klaus said. Then him and his hybrids left.

"You think he bought it?" Caroline asked as soon as he was out of earshot.

"Hell, I bought it," Hayley said. Me and Caroline grinned.

"Thanks for the heads up that he was here, Hayley," I told her. She shrugged.

"You girls are good liars," Tyler told us. He kissed Caroline on the cheek. I couldn't help but notice the look on Hayley's face when he did.


Elena had managed to kill Connor, but was now suffering from the Hunter's Curse. Apparently, Connor was actually a supernatural being, designed specifically for killing vampires. When a vampire killed one, they were cursed and driven mad to the point of suicide. Klaus had also kidnapped her in hopes of stopping that. Stefan needed help getting her back and fixing her, so he called us. Me and Caroline sat in the living room as Tyler talked to him and explained what was going on with Hayley and the hybrids.

"Hayley is the one that helped me break the sire bond. She showed me what to do. How to help. When she showed up here, I thought it was just a coincidence. But it turns out she's been helping one of them. Her friend, Chris. And she came to help us get the rest of them out from under Klaus," Tyler explained.

"Are you telling me that Chris isn't sired anymore?" Stefan asked.

"That's exactly what he is telling you," I said.


"I am not doing this!" I snapped at my sister. We were standing outside the Grill. Stefan needed someone to distract Klaus while everyone else got Elena. Of course, I had been elected to keep the hybrid busy.

"Come on, Rory," she begged.

"I'm just starting to date his brother, I can't do it," I said.

Caroline sighed. "Be my back up," she said.

"Do you realize how much me and Klaus hate each other at this point? He hates me because I let you guys put him in a coffin and I hate him because he- he's Klaus and he gets under my skin," I whined.

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