Ch. 15 The Last Dance

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I STOPPED BY ALARIC'S APARTMENT AFTER DROPPING LILLY OFF. We had our daily training as usual. I knocked and he soon opened the door. I automatically knew something was off.

Every morning, Ric would just swing the door open and let me in, before yawning and asking why I made him get up this early. Today, however, Ric looked wide awake and didn't even open the door enough for me to see inside. He looked at me, seeming confused. I raised an eyebrow. "Are you going to let me in?" I asked.

"Uh, hold on a sec," he said. He disappeared into the apartment, shutting me out.


I walked back into the apartment, looking at Katherine Peirce, who I was holding captive. I had taken over the body of Alaric Saltzman and was using her to help me figure out how to act. Only thing was, now there was some girl knocking at my door. On normal circumstances, I probably wouldn't have minded. She was pretty, but I wasn't about to blow my cover. "Who's that?" I asked.

"That would be Rory. She's an untriggered werewolf. Best friends with Bonnie and the Salvatores, sister to Caroline, and Tyler Lockwood's baby-mama," Katherine told me.

"Why was she never mentioned?" I asked.

"I didn't see her being important. She doesn't get involved in everything as much. Everyone is a tad over protective when it comes to her, but she will die before anything happens to her sister," she told me.

I nodded. "Good to know," I said.

"Ric, I have picked this lock once, I will do it again," we heard her yell.

"She's an interesting little thing, isn't she?" I asked, before heading back to the door. I got the feeling that this one was going to be fun to deal with.


Ric opened the door again, but still didn't open it all the way. "Okay, I had a long night studying and Lilly refused to sleep through half of it. Let me in the freaking door," I snapped.

"Did we have something this morning?" he asked.

I gave him a look. "Don't play this game. I don't have the energy. Just let me in so I can punch something," I told him.

"Umm," he said, looking back in the apartment.

I furrowed my brows, hearing something. "Is someone in there?" I asked.

"Uh, no," he said.

"Did you and Jenna get back together? If you did I'll let you two do whatever you do that I really don't want to know about. Otherwise, can I please come in for training?" I asked.

"Training?" he asked.

I moved a little closer to him. "Okay, your wide awake at seven in the morning so you're not drunk. What's up?" I wondered.

"It's just a really bad time, Rory," he said and shut the door in my face.


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