Ch. 9 Down the Rabbit Hole

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I HAD BEEN GONE A FEW DAYS WHEN CAROLINE CALLED. I decided not to tell her where I had been. She needed my help with talking to Klaus. I walked into the Gilbert house, where Bonnie had trapped Klaus to keep everyone alive. Only now, he wanted Tyler's head more than anyone's and the magic was wearing off.

"Hello, love," he said when he saw me.

I crossed my arms over my chest, emotionless. "Let everyone go," I said.

"Tyler lost me all my hybrids, and now his friends have killed my brother. He was right, I have nothing to lose. I just want his blood," Klaus told me.

"I don't think that's true," I said, stepping through the magical border.

"Rory," Caroline warned.

"I'm fine," I told her. I looked Klaus in the eyes. "You have four things that you don't want to lose. First is your life, obviously. Then Rebekah. You two have your problems but you love her. Elijah, because he may not be around right now but you love him too. And then there is me."

Klaus seemed a little surprised by the last one, but he didn't deny it. He did care about me and we both knew it.

"You're not the only one who lost Kol. And I know you're in pain, but don't do this. I'm tired of all this, Klaus. You kill Tyler and I'm done for good. I'm gone, and it will be the last time you ever see me. You already killed Carol, and I have barely forgiven you for it," I told him.

Klaus took a step closer to me, and I just kept staring at him. I couldn't make myself feel anything right now. Especially not when it came to him and Kol. "How do you know I won't just kill you?" he asked.

We were only inches apart, but I didn't care. "Because you can't. We both know you can't. I'm the only person in this town other than Rebekah that hasn't left you. The only one who has fought for you," I said.

Klaus stared down at me for a few moments, before taking a step back. "I have too. I have a reputation to uphold. And moreover, I want to kill Tyler," he told me.

"I'm not asking you to forgive him. All I'm asking is that you let him live, even if it is somewhere far from here. So he gets to live a happy life. So my daughter can actually know her dad," I said.

"After he turned all my hybrids against me, after he tried to kill me, after he made it his life's mission to find the cure so that he could use it against me," Klaus said.

"We all want the cure," Caroline said from the back of the room.

"Do we? Do you?" Klaus asked.

Caroline looked a little surprised. "It doesn't matter. There's only one, so it's not like I'm gonna get it anyway," she said.

"But if you could you wouldn't, would you? You prefer who you are now to the girl you once were. You like being strong, ageless, fearless. We're all the same. All three of us," Klaus said.

"Then prove it. Show me, because I can't lose anyone else this week, Klaus," I begged. "Show him the mercy I would show you."

"Mercy for Tyler?" he asked, looking at me. I nodded, and I could see him caving. "Very well. Tell him to leave town immediately. And tell him to run and hide in a place I will never find him," Klaus said.

"Of course. Thank you," I said, sending a smile to my sister.

"Tell him that this is mercy I extend for your sake and for your child's, that I will give him a head start before I kill him," Klaus told me.

My heart fell, and I glared at him. "Fine."


I let Caroline tell Tyler bye before I did. I walked out and sat down on the porch with him. "We have to say goodbye way too much. I'm sorry I couldn't talk him down," I said.

"Hey, at least this time I get to say goodbye to you," he said.

My eyes filled with tears. "You shouldn't have too," I snapped.

"Hey, this isn't goodbye. This is till we find a way. We will find a way to make our very messed up lives work," he told me.

"What if we don't?" I asked.

He sighed. "Then I will go find a life somewhere else. And you will stay here and be the perfect mom, like you have been for the past year. And I'll know you are both here and safe and happy," he said.

"Why is this always happening? All I've wanted was for all three of us to have the tiniest bit of a normal relationship, yet it seems like no matter what we do the world just won't let us have it," I said.

"Then we'll wait till we find a way," he said.

I nodded. "Okay," I said. I hugged him. "Just don't get yourself killed."


I sat on the porch, even after Tyler left. Eventually Klaus walked outside. "How'd you get out?" I asked

"I fear something awful has befallen your friend Bonnie," he told me. He moved closer to me and I stood up. "Don't worry, little wolf. We both know I would never hurt you."

"You've done enough," I told him.

"I've done more than enough," he said, his voice rising as he walked closer to me. He lowered his voice as he looked at me. "I've shown kindness, forgiveness, pity, because of you, Rory. It was all for you," he told me.

I looked at him. I wanted to believe that. Believe him. I wanted to forget everything, but I couldn't. Not now at least. "It doesn't matter. I'm still leaving. Me and Hayley are going to try to find our family," I told him. I looked at him, and for the first time my voice broke. "Goodbye, Klaus."

He looked hurt, but he covered it up quickly. He stormed off, leaving me standing by myself.

Three chapters left till the end! You'll find out whether Rory is Hope's mother in the next chapter!

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