Ch. 14 Know Thy Enemy

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I FOLLOWED MY SISTER OUT OF THE HOUSE, LILLY ON MY HIP. We were headed to the Lockwood's. Usually I would be against going, but Tyler was still missing so I had no excuse to get out of it. I had learned that Caroline had had to save Matt the night before, revealing that she was a vampire. We were trying to find him so she could compel him.

"I can't find him anywhere. He's not at home. He's not answering his phone," she was saying. She had her phone to her ear, talking with Stefan.

"How could you let him go?" Stefan asked.

"My mom walked in and he just took off. I didn't know what to do," she explained.

"Did your mom hear anything?" he wondered.

"Nope, she was too distracted by her moping daughter and screaming granddaughter," I said, strapping Lilly into her car seat.

"Yeah, she just thinks we were fighting, but he knows about me, and he is freaking out about Vicki," she told him, as we both got in the car.

"All right. Listen. You have to find him. You have to calm him down. Compel him if you have to. Is he still on the vervain?" Stefan asked, now on speaker.

"I slip it into his soda while he's at work, but I didn't get to last night, so it is out of his system. He has a catering shift at the Lockwood's today. I'm gonna try there." We hung up and Caroline tried to call Matt, but it went straight to voice mail.


We arrived at the Lockwood house to find out our mom was there. It looked like she was working, so we just went on with what we needed to do.

"Mrs. Lockwood, uh, have you seen Matt? I thought he was working a catering shift at today's luncheon," Caroline told her.

"No, I haven't, honey. Sorry," she said. Caroline and I exchanged a look, sighing. "But, if you see him, can you ask if he's heard from Tyler?"

"Yeah, of course. Umm, still no word from him?" Caroline asked her.

"No, the note he left said he needed time to figure some things out, but I wish I knew where he was," Carol told her.

I looked at the ground, as Caroline patted her on the shoulder.

Carol smiled and turned towards me. "I'm glad to see she seems to be doing better. I'm really sorry about her getting sick," Carol told me, looking at Lilly.

"It's fine. She's doing okay now," I said.

"And she's wearing the new clothes I bought her," she noticed.

I nodded. "Yeah, so far she seems to like them," I told her. Caroline excused herself and ran towards the corner where Elena and Stefan were. "Umm, excuse me, too," I said, going over to stand by them.

"Hey. Any luck finding Matt?" Stefan asked.

"None. What if he tells somebody? What if he tells everybody?" Caroline asked, clearly going into her panic mode.

"No, we just gotta find him and make sure that doesn't happen," he told us, before turning to Elena. "Do you have any idea where he would be?"

She shrugged. "I wish I did, but he wasn't really one to run," she told us. Of course, she would be no help.

"This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. You know, I was supposed to tell him at the right moment in the right way, and he was supposed to be ok with it because he loves me," Caroline said. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"We'll help you find him. I just have to accept this thing for Jenna," Elena told us.

Caroline sighed. "Alright. Well, call me when you're done and I'll be out looking for him," she said. I followed her out and we went back to searching the town.


We looked for Matt all day, but got nowhere. We finally gave up and went home after a while. "Hey, Matt, if you're listening to this it means you've listened to the last twenty-five messages I left you, which all say the same thing, so call me," Caroline said into her phone.

I walked towards the door, and that's when I noticed the person sitting inside our house. I was about to freak out for a second, then I saw who it was. Matt.

"Uh, Care, I think I found him," I said, pointing.

Caroline sighed and unlocked the door. "You're here," she said.

"Your mom brought me here," he explained.

"My mom?" Caroline asked. Both of us were thinking the same thing.

"I accused her of covering up Vicki's death, and she threatened to arrest me," he told us.

"Did you tell her anything else?" I wondered.

"Nothing about you," he said, looking at my sister. Caroline sighed in relief. "I got the feeling she wasn't going to believe anything I said, so I shut up. Then she brought me here to cool down, and then she got called away."

"Matt," Care said, moving closer to him. He backed away. "Why'd you stick around if you're still scared of me?"

"Because I need to know more about Vicki, about you," he said.

I looked at the ground. Me and Vicki, Matt's sister, had never gotten along. I may not be the most responsible person, but I was at least smart enough to know not to take anything the girl offered. She had had a drug problem, which inevitably led to her taking some in the woods. That led to Damon finding her and turning her into a vampire. It wouldn't have been that bad, but when you already have a drug problem, being a vampire doesn't end well.

"I'll tell you anything you want to know," Caroline said.


I left Caroline to talk to Matt. I wasn't really sure how this was going to go, but it was her boy drama. I let her handle it.

When I got back home, Matt was gone. Caroline was in her room. "How'd it go?" I asked.

From her face, I figured it hadn't gone well. "He made me erase everything. He said he didn't want to look at me and see what he was seeing," she said.

I sighed, going to wrap an arm around her. "I'm sorry, Care," I said.

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