Ch. 6 Our Town

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WITH MY RELATIONSHIP WITH TYLER POSSIBLY OVER, I DECIDED TO TAKE A BREAK FROM MYSTIC FALLS. I went to see my dad for a week or so and came back just in time for Caroline's birthday and bad news.

Tyler had almost gotten Jeremy killed while I was gone, because of that freaking sire bond. Jeremy was fine, but Alaric had died and almost for good. He came back as usual thanks to his ring, but that didn't help me feel much better about it. So I picked my next distraction from my real problems, Caroline's eighteenth birthday.

"Happy birthday!" I yelled, entering her room. Caroline groaned under her blanket that was hiding her from the world. "Come on, don't be a baby. Time to get up."

Caroline sat up, glaring at me. "I got you something," I said.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, Lilly on my lap. I handed the small box to the one year old. "Can you give that to your Aunt Caroline?" I asked. Lilly looked at me like I was crazy. My sister smirked, clearly knowing this wasn't going as planned.

"Give that to your Aunt Care?" I asked, pointing.

I sighed when she did nothing but inspect the rainbow box. "Come on, kid. We practiced this," I whined.

Caroline laughed at me. Lilly starting giggling too as she held the small box out to me. I sighed. "Here," I said, handing the box to my sister. "I tried to make your morning adorable."

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome, now open it," I said. "And please remember I'm broke."

She smiled and opened the little box. She pulled out a long silver chain with a C dangling from it. She smiled. "Thank you," she said.

I smiled. "There's more," I said.

She pulled a folded piece of paper out of the bottom. It was covered in crayon scribbles. On the bottom right corner there was a note that was clearly written by me in blue crayon. It read: Happy birthday, Aunt Care. From: Lilly.


I walked outside, ready to head out and start the day. I was met with the one thing I didn't want today.

"Will you please look at me?" Tyler asked.

I had walked over to my car, not giving him a second glance. "You tried to kill Jeremy," I snapped.


"No, don't you dare start on how I need to understand and except who you are. You almost got our friend killed because of that stupid sire bond thing, so please, just leave me alone," I said.

He grabbed my arm. "Look, I just want to talk for a few seconds," he said. I glared, but listened. "I understand why you can't be with me. Even though I want to put you and her first, before anyone, I can't." We both looked behind me where Lilly was watching us from her car seat. "I'll never be able to and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to know that."

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