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(Alright, because you guys have been asking for it. I give you an update. A very big update! Sorry for not updating in a long time. Life is crazy and demands a lot from a person. I hope you can understand that. Also thank you for the lovely messages and comments. Thank you for asking for updates too! It let's me know you guys really like the story and want me to write more for y'all!)

Before A-Yuan knew it it was dark and he was lost. Wei Ying was no where in sight and fear started to creep up to him. 

"Senior Wei! Mother! Where are you?!" No matter how much he yelled silence was the only thing that responded. He wandered deeper and deeper looking for the man. His heart started to race and he became more and more anxious by the second. He was deathly afraid Hanguang Jun was going to punish him but he was more terrified of the thought of his mother lying dead somewhere. He priority was to fined Wei WuXian.

A-Yaun noticed a glowing light far into the distance and silently cheered. He went towards the light when he stumbled and fell onto the ground. He turned around to see what it was and to his demise it was an arm of  corpse that he tripped over. He was about to gasp when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him and covered his mouth, dragging him behind a try. 

He was relieved to find out the person that grabbed him was Senior Wei. 

"Shhhhhhh! Don't make a sound." The glowing light that A-Yaun saw crept closer. When Senior Wei's grip tighten on the boy he knew whatever was approaching wasn't a friend but a foe. "Where is Lan Zhan and the others?" Wei WuXian whispered.

"I don't know?" A-Yaun also questioned their where about. Usually the members would be out on their rounds for the Night Hunt. 

Wei WuXian groaned in annoyance, "That means their's more than one."

"More of one what?"

"Hunting nightlights!"

"What?..." A-Yaun started at Senior Wei with great confusion.

All Wei WuXian could do was sigh as he explained, "Okay when you saw it did you think it was me?" the boy nodded and Wei WuXian pinched the boy's cheek as punishment for not thinking like a cultivator.

"It's a type of ghost that has one very big glowing eye. It goes around hunting wanderers at night. It's eye glows red once it finds a prey and they hunt until the prey as been eaten or it's dead. It's a man eating nightlight. " A-Yaun almost choked from nervousness.

"It eats people?!" 

Wei WuXian gave him a nervous chuckle. "Uh... if it helps this is the first time I've seen one before..."

"Do you know how we can kill it?" 

"...Nope." Wei WuXian smiled. "Good luck to us! Think of this as a learning experience. You can gain a lot of knowledge from tonight if that helps..." A-Yaun just started at his Senior making Wei WuXian more nervous. "Don't act like that. Okay I know it was my fault we got into this situation but it is also your fault for following me! You should have just stayed at Cloud Recesses. Also I think it has hands... Shoot... Take cover!" Wei WuXian screamed as it's arms shot out for them and it's eye turned a chilling red. Senior Wei was able to pull the younger down in time. The two ran in a zigzag motion to make the two of them harder to chase. 

Wei Ying needed to keep A-Yaun safe so he made a plan to keep the boy safe enough so that his recklessness would harm the boy. He jumped upward dodging the creature and hopped to the top of the tree. He remembered reading somewhere that the creature  could not climb however as he witness it was a fast runner? Glider? Wei Wuxian didn't even know if the thing had legs or floated around. 

He was about to jump down again when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Wei Ying winced while gripping his stomach. The baby wasn't big yet much to his relief or doing all of this would be even more dangerous. He let out a sharp exhale, "Not now please." A-Yaun panicked when he saw the Senior flinch in pain. 

"What can I do to help?" A-Yaun asked. 

"I need you to stay here while I drive away the monster."

"No that's too dangerous!"

"Stop. I dragged you into this mess so let me take care of it! You don't have enough experience yet. I need you safe."

"But you said this could be a learning experience for me." 

Wei Ying whined, "Why go and use my words against me? You've been hanging around those 2 talkers way too much."

"I learned from the best." A-Yaun smiles and gets a pinch in return from Wei Ying. "It's true though! You are one of the best!"

"Haha, very funny. I know I'm amazing but still we have to focus." Wei Ying mocked rolling his eyes. "Alright let see if you remember what I taught you." A-Yaun sent out a flare for Lan Zhan as instructed whenever they were in danger or needed help. They both nodded at each other before jumping in different directions. 

The two made a bunch of noise to confuse it. The thing looked in both directions before stretching it's arms out to grab for them. The thing managed to grab A-Yauns leg but he slicked the affending limb away earning a heart stopping shriek from the creature. In a matter of seconds it grew back it's sliced limb. The arm that still lung to the boy began to squeeze tighter. He yelled out in pain as tit's claws dug deeper into the boy's skin soon the sound of bone breaking and a cry of great pain came from A-Yaun demanding Wei ying's attention. 


"Mom!" The boy cried out not knowing what to do. The hand shattered A-Yauns leg bone and there was blood everywhere. A-Yaun saw the thing get closer as he began to lose consciousness but he managed to lodge his sword into the thing.

"A-Yaun stay with me!" Wei Ying screamed out as he jumped in front of the boy. The thing grabbed Wei WuXian and threw him into a tree. Wei WuXian yelled as he was slammed into the tree.  He barely managed to catch his breath when it's arms grabbed him again. It's claws breaking the skin and drawing blood. He tried to summon spirits but everything seemed to be absorbed into it's eye. He tried to punch through it's clear shell but it was too hard. He was also losing energy. The thing seemed to be feeding off of his life force. 

Suddenly he felt something dark reappear in him. There was something about the creature's eye that felt so familiar. It gave him the same crazy feeling as the Yin Iron did. He felt the darkness seep deeper into him and spread like a wild fire. Dark wisps formed around Wei Ying and he struggled to stay conscious. The terrible pain in his stomach grew too.

"With all of his strength he used A-yaun's sword that stuck out of it's shell to break the creature's shell and grab it's eye. He crushed it in his hand and the arms that held onto him went limp.  

He ripped them off him and stumbled back to A-Yaun. He held onto the boy tightly before he began to lose his balance. 

A pair of strong arms surround him and he knew who it was. "Lan Zhan," Wei Ying cheered weakly. The man hugged his family relieved he found them. His face said it all. Lan Zhan was terrified and furious but he was so happy and relieved to see Wei Ying and A-Yaun again. "You were right Lan Zhan. No more Night Hunts for a long time." Wei Ying felt Lan Zhan's lips kiss his forehead before fading into darkness. When he wakes up he plans on telling Lan Zhan about that dark feeling. There was something about it that Wei Ying figured it was best to be honest to Lan Zhan about it.  

(I hope you guys enjoyed it!)

Red Blood on White Fabric; Lan Zhan X Wei WuXianWhere stories live. Discover now