night Before The Game

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Kawanishi POV (night before)
"Tachi there is a letter for you in the mail" I had heard my mom say.

'I wonder what it is?' I had thought rushing down stairs.
As I open the letter I looked at it in shock.
"What is it" I heard my mom ask as my mother and sister came in.

"What's what?"they said at the same time.

"It's a letter from shiratorizawa asking me to play on the vb team for them" (is this how it works I don't know) I say.

"You could of said it more enthusiastically ya know"said the brat I have to call an older sister
"I don't like showing emotions you know that" I snap back
"Ya only being annoyed and annoying "
" Break it up you two" we heard mom say

"Fine" we say together

"Hey how about we go to the shiratorizawa game tomorrow in celebration " mother says

"Sure" I might not have showed it but I was excited
" That's an amazing idea "mom speaks up
"Alright I'll get four tickets for us"
"Three ,I'm not going I'm going to my girlfriend's place tomorrow to watch the game sorry"Asami says (his sister)
"It's alright three it is then,now go to sleep tomorrow is going to be eventful" mom says

At the same time four shiratorizawa first years are talking over the phone
3rd person POV

Author note: as of now they will have Nicknames or abbreviations to tell who's talking because I'm lazy and I don't wanna type everyone's names😔✌️I might use their name tho so yea check the next page to find out who's who

GUESS MONSTER-tomorrow is the day are you excited

emo-yeah I'm pumped

Farm boi -yes I am excited thank you for asking satori.I heard oikawa goes to aoba johsai he should have gone to shiratorizawa

Emo- l-🤦‍♂️

🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy-I'm kind of nervous actually about the game and future

Emo- what do you mean I understand the game but the future ?

🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy- yea after the matches their will be more people next year

Emo- yea I know what you mean I want to make a good impression for my kohais

Farm boi- maybe we should sleep and worry after everything later

🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy- you are right thanks ushijima
See you tomorrow


Farm boi - good night to you all


🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy-yeah gn

Yamagata POV

as I put my phone down  I begin to wonder what would happen tomorrow

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