After math of the game

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Yamagata POV
After the game I was happy and amazed we had won  3-2
My family congratulated me but I couldn't stop thinking about that boy. He looked around my age so that's good. to bad I probably won't see him again.I headed to the changing room I decided to talk to semi
ST-bye semisemi see ya
ES-don't call me that
I laugh
Semi turns around and sees me
"Oh hey"he said
"Hey" I said sadly
ES-you good
"No not really" I thought but I had said it out loud

ES-Why we won

"...I know "

"Alright tell me or I find out my self "
By his tone he was being serious

ES-slow down and say it again
"I saw this cute boy and I'm freaking out "

ES-oh really now?
"Ya. but I'll never see him again"
ES- it's alright we could go to the cafe with the others if you want
That would be nice I'll text my mom and let her know

                         It's Mai bitches
You-can I go to the cafe with semi,tendou,and ushijima?
It's Mai bitch-of course see you at home
It's Mai bitches-ly bye

Kawanishi POV
I got home and texted my sister about the feeling
                                  Brat of a sister
You-oi brat
Brat of a sister -what loser
You-I had a feeling about a player in the game can you help me figure it out
Brat of a sister -hm?explain it
You-when I saw him step in to the court I felt really hot and my heart started to beat faster than usual
Brat of a sister -go on
You-my stomach felt weird and I don't know what is happening
Brat of a sister -tachi you're in love
Brat of a sister -you read it in✨ love✨.well bye I'll let you have this freak out by yourself  bye
You-...fuck you

In love huh sounds interesting
I thought more about it I liked the thought of it but we don't know each other yet.YET!that's it we'll know each other later on I can't wait

Yamagata POV

As I headed home.I had thought about it what if what they said at the cafe was true(try to find out your self I am not going to spill yet)
"I'm home!" I shouted
MY-good can you come here I need to tell you all something
EY-yea mommy
MY-we are ...

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