On the boys end

251 6 0

3rd person POV

HY-Hey kawanishi

TK- tachi call me tachi

HY-oh alright In that case called me by my first name as well


HY-anyways why do you look so much like your mom did they decide to adopt a child that looks like them or is it because of a different reason


HY- Did I bring up a sensitive topic I'm sorry if I did

TK-no it's all right the truth is that I actually used to have a mom and a dad before when I came out to my dad he started to freak out and called me all kinds of stuff that he shouldn't have and at the time my mom was a closeted bisexual so when he said that stuff she started to freak out and she basically kicked him out because she was the legal owner of the house and got custody of me

HY-oh then I'm sorry for bringing it up and if you don't mind how did your moms get together

TK oh well basically they were best friends in high school my mom had a crush on my mother. After the divorce my mom invited my mother over they talked it out they confessed their love to each other and decided to start dating .now they're engaged having a wedding in like what two years. it wasn't really that big of a change for me and my sister because I basically considered my mother like a mom my entire life so I would always call her mother .so it wasn't really that big of a deal for me . for my sister she just liked her a lot so she didn't really care.

HY-oh wow

TK-speaking of my sister she should be back sooner or later what about your sisters didn't you say you had some

HY-oh yeah they're at ho-oh my God we left my sister's at our house they're 13 and 7



NK-your mom went to get your sisters So when they come over can they hang out with you too until Sami gets here



HY-who in the world is Sami?

TK-my sister

HY-Oh alright so what are we do now

TK-I don't know stay on our phones until they get there or

HY -ok

Yamagata POV

Shiratorizawa first years gc

GUESS MONSTER-Hayoto updates


🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy-I- ok um Basically he has an older sister and there might be some other things that I'm probably not allowed to share until he actually knows y'all he has two moms and now we're on first name basis I guess

Farm boi- you must be getting along if he would share those kinds of stuff with you if it involves more towards his home life




🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy-later when I call you
🏳️‍🌈💅 but sassy is offline

GUESS MONSTER-that bitch

I set my phone down

3rd person POV

TK-hey Hayoto


TK-what about your parents

HY-well since you told me your story I'll tell you mine

TK-what no it's OK you don't have to

HY - nah it alright so my story is that growing up my dad was usually working and my mom is doing her own thing with all the time they spent a part they slowly started falling out of love . overtime their love was completely gone so they decided to divorce because they didn't want to be in a relationship that didn't involve them being in love with each other . due to my dad working so often my mom got custody of me and my sisters though they're still friends and we visit our dad every Time we can

TK-oh that's cool

*knock knock *

MY-boys the girls are here

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