The game

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Yamagata POV
ES-hey Yama
WU-hello Yamagata it it nice to see you
"Hey "I say
ES-you still nervous huh
"Yea everyone in here has their eyes on us"
ES-yea not to mention we are all on the starting line up and the libero
WU-I must agree with semi it has more pressure on us even as first years
ST-yea but it's  exciting right we can show of our skill and you never know our future kohais might be watching so we have to do our best
ES-wow tendou never expected that from you
We all laugh
"He is right though they might be watching us" I say
Kawanishi POV

I was texting my sister about how the game is about to start I know that she knows I just want to annoy her
Brat of a sister
You-do you see this
Brat of a sister-I would but you're bothering me
You-yea well bye
Brat of a sister-😒

3rd person POV
The game was starting and kawanishi was paying attention to the players that are getting introduced especially one
Kawanishi heart started to race and he had butterflies in his stomach.what is that feeling he thought it is probably nothing

On the other hand
As the introductions where said Yamagata looked around the place was huge his eyes were looking around until they landed somewhere on someone he didn't know

Yamagata POV
'That guy he is beautiful' I shake my head I can't zone out right now it was my introduction I can day dream later

Every time I sat out I kept looking at him he was perfect

Kawanishi POV
I paid attention to the plays and players there were amazing players but 4 caught my attention ushijima wakatoshi,semi eita,tendou satori,and lastly Yamagata hayato
They were amazing

Ushijima a left handed wing spiker the spikes were perfect and powerful

Semi the Main setter his tosses were precise and strong not to mention his serves were on point

Tendou a middle blocker ,my possession, by the looks of it he is doing guess blocking the blocking was perfect and on point

Yamagata ,he is the guy I have the feeling about ,he is the libero the receives were amazing but he seemed distracted when he sat out I wonder why

'Over all the game was amazing I can't wait for the next year'I had thought

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