The hang out

265 7 2

Not a long chapter

Kawanishi POV

'Why am I so nervous right now'

HY -do you want to get to know each other right now

Hm oh sure

HY-alright we will ask questions and both answer


3rd person POV (why not)


HY-15 you


HY-birthday mine is February 14 or Valentine's Day

TK-April 15


HY-two younger sisters 13 and 7

TK-older sister 18

It went like that just asking boring questions
Yamagata POV

"It's only the first time meeting so you don't have to answer but sexuality and pronouns?"

TK-(is he going to freak out if he finds out?if he does he should not be my friend right?he is ok with my moms but what if that is an act?)

"I'm (is he going to be ok with it I mean he has two moms right) a he /him gay"

I stare at him as he looks at me and sighs a relieved sigh

TK- he/ him bisexual preference for men and you don't know how relieved I was when you said you were gay

"Heh "

Little did they know what the moms where talking about

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