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Yamagata POV
Today is the day that my mom and I Had finished unpacking and moving in. We decided to go visit the neighbors Of course my sisters stayed behind we prepared a basket of food mainly berries and some sweets.
As we visited each neighbor they were all very nice

there were some kids my age like a kid named shirabu who is only a year younger than me and was going to shiratorizawa next year so I was very happy about that.

the next house was a kid named Goshik iand he saw our last game and said that ushijima had impressed him so he might go to shiratorizawa in two years as we approached the last house I was feeling kind of nervous because I wouldn't know what would happen.

my mom rang the doorbell. A girl who didn't look that much older than my mom opened the door.

Kawanishi POV
MAI?!?!! I had heard my mom scream worried I rushed downstairs only to see two people standing in front of the door." Oh hello"I said
MY-hi nice to meet you and hello emiko

"well you seem to know my mother obviously I'm her son nice to meet you I'm tachi kawanishi"

MY-I'm Mai Yamagata and it's a pleasure to meet you
This is my son hayato Yamagata

EK-as in the shiratorizawa player?

HY-yeah did you watch the game

I heard a voice say I turned my head and saw a brown haired light skinned boy who was not that much shorter than me

EK-yes actually tachi here is going to shiratorizawa to play in the volleyball club next year so me and my fiancé/soon to be wife took him to the game a week ago

HY-fiancé ?wife?

He turned to me and said

HY-you have two moms that's amazing

"Thanks" I reply I been turn to his mom and asked

Hey Mai-San how do you know my mom?

MY-oh we where friends in high school and kept in touch

EK-speaking of friends you two should hang out upstairs
"Alright" we say as we head up stairs

3rd person POV -what Yamagata was doing when his mom answered the door

                         Shiratorizawa 1st years
           (they finally have a group chat name)
🏳️‍🌈💅but sassy -hey guys



Farm boi-hello Yamagata what are you doing

🏳️‍🌈💅but sassy- visiting our new neighbors
I found out one of them is our future kohai


Farm boi-that's good to know

Emo-what is there name

🏳️‍🌈💅but sassy-his name is shirabu

GUESS MONSTER-awesome  what house are you on now !

🏳️‍🌈💅but sassy-idk yet I'll text you about it when I find out

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