Confession+somthing special

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If you are reading both this and the second choice club it is not going to be the same confession

Slight Tachi angst

Shirabu POV

I head over to tachi to tell him I'm done with his absolute BULL SHIT


TK-gah what the fuck I'm alive

Well you're not going to be in a moment


Confess to Yamagata

Tachi pov

KS-confess to Yamagata



The hell I can't confess

KS-yes you can me tendou and hell even goshiki have
You're stupid


3rd person POV

KS-you're still stuck in the past

TK-what do you mean

KS-tachi you keep thinking about her .don't you understand she hurt you too much emotionally

TK-YOU DONT THINK I KNOW I HATED HER WITH ALL MY HEART AND YET SHE STILL HURT ME MY PAST HAUNTS ME YOU KNOW WHY I CANT CONFESS BECAUSE IM SCARED I'm scared I want to confess but if I do this time I love the person so if he where to leave I wouldn't know what to do

Tachi started to cry

TK-if I get even more attached and then he is gone

TK-that's why I have my six rules so nothing like that happens again and I broke four of them the most important

KS-tachi if I could promise you one thing it would be that he loves you he cares for you

Shirabu started to hug the crying boy

KS-he will cherish you and never and I mean NEVER leave your side give him a chance if anything happens come to me ok
and if you're scared of rejection me and tendou confessed and date them
Also he cares so much he would never stop being your friend

Tachi starts to calm down

TK-ok I'll try so how do I do it

KS-something from you and your personality


Tachi thought of an idea it wouldn't be big but it was something he loved flowers

Tachi when to the store and bought the yellow roses,red roses,white roses,and orange roses

Meanings of flower

Yellow rose-friendship
Red rose-love and romance
Orange-enthusiasm and passion
White-innocence and purity

He wrote a letter that said

To you try to see the secret message

A gift

Choices will be made later

here is a gift i said that before

I will say it is more than friendship check the meaning of the flowers

After that he went to semi and gave him the stuff and told him the plan

Yamagata POV

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