First day+semishira

265 7 11

Kawanishi POV

OK today's today remember the list of rules you must follow

One don't get emotionally attached or they will hurt you

Two don't fall in love

Three help others when they need it

Four ignore people when needed

Five don't show emotions

Six keep up your barrier

3rd person POV

With these rules to a Tachi was ready to go to school and met up with hayato

HY -Hi

TK -Hey

HY -You excited

TK -For hell I think not

HY -Ha yea but it's better than coaches drills

TK -Wow they are that bad

HY -You wouldn't believe

When the reached school they split way it's safe to say a lot of new people found kawanishi and hayato attractive

Hayato POV

I walk to the gym avoiding everyone so I don't get chased time to deal with coaches drills I feel bad for the first years

Coach (I forget his name I google it later)-alright before we get started with practice first years line up

ES-woah those are your neighbors?

Mhm why

ES-one of them is hot

Dude I swear if you like tachi I'll strangle you

ES-idk I lik-

3rd person POV

Coach -alright introductions

Kiwi-I'm k-kawanishi tachi I play middle blocker

ST-hayato I'm never doubting your taste again

HY-Satori back off

ST-ok ok also you know I like ushi


??-I'm shirabu kenjiro I'm a setter

ES-shirabu kenjiro huh?

HY-wait shirabu seriously that's who you like
He is as salty as a rock



ST-so you're the famous kawanishi tachi huh?


ST-dude rumors about a new kid named kawanishi tachi have been spreading


ST-ya something about you and hayato being one of the hottest people in school


ST-ya some people even ship you together With how close you are

TK-I I I what

HY-don't worry he is probably messing with you

ST-the second part yes first part no

ES-ya ya now tachi was it can you give me info about shirabu

TK-why Do you like him

ES-now I see how you and hayato get along so well

ST-i feel single

HY-go to ushijima

St-w-what do you mean I don't like him and we are not dating plus he is sick

ES-the great ushijima wakatoshi sick

KS-tachi can I talk with you

TK-sure kenjiro


Shira -tachi do you know them

Tachi-I know hayato

Shira-well ya but do you know the one with emo hair

Tachi-yes kinda why

Shira-w-what's his n-name

Tachi-you like him don't you?

Shira-w-what no

I'll give your number to him later ;)



After practice ended everyone was tired

Tachi pov

Hey hayato

HY-hm ya

Can you give this number to semi

HY-sure but why

It's shira's ;)

HY-ohhhh on it also wait for me I'll show you two your dorm


Shit tachi you are all ready breaking rules 1,2,and 6

Damn you hayato yamagata

Hayato pov

Hey semi


Here text this number


You'll see


3rd person POV

Eita texts the number only to figure out it was shirabu

ES-hayato you shit

HY -I'm gonna go tell satori something I'll be back

HY -satori plan semishira is set



Emo - satori mission kawagata is go

HY -well bye

Yamagata showed tachi and shirabu how are roommates their dorm and invited them to him and semi's later;)

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