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The last chapter dun dun daaaaaaa

It had been a few years well more like 19 shirabu Tachi Yamagata and semi were all living together with their kids

Isao and Renjiro Semi
Gender -both male
Crushes-Isao: Katsumi tendou
Renjiro:etsuko kawanishi
Parents :semi eita and kenjiro
Age -18
Renjiro-biromantic ace

Rikona Semi
Gender -She/they
Crush-Hiroki koganegawa/goshiki
Parents -semi eita and kenjiro

Etsuko(guess who named her) and  Ronin Kawanishi
Crush-etsuko-renjiro semi
Ronin: Shin reon (I know reon was not in the book deal with it please and thank you)
Parents Tachi and hayato kawanishi
Sexuality:both bi
(There is probably going to be a story about them and the others )

Tachi usually takes care of them as hayayo is often in Tokyo for volleyball ,semi is on tour and shirabu works as a doctor
Tachi owns a cafe (my au) so the kids visit after school and they all leave together

One day kenjiro came back early

Tachi-hey ken why are you here so early

Kenjiro -my boss said I over work my self and made me take a two week break from work

Tachi-ok tell your boss thank you

Kenjiro -yea whatever I'm going to sleep




Semi-yo Tachi tour ended early and me and my friend are coming back today can you please pick me up from the airport In like an hour


Isao-dad's home awesome

Tachi-not just him

Etsuko-what in the hell do you mean

Tachi-you'll see later I have to go somewhere in like. 30 minutes so please don't kill kenjiro

Etsuko-no promises

Tachi-you know what I'm going to go get changed

Tachi got ready and left to pick up semi but didn't know there was a surprise for him


Tachi-hey eita

Eita-you know I'm not the only one here look

Hayato-hey hey how y'all doin


???-tachi ..hayato

The two looked to see who was calling there names


Hayato-what are you doing here I thought you were in the northern part of Tokyo

Etsu-we are visiting and were just about to go visit you

Tachi-you could come with us in our car

Maiko -sure why not

They all head back as soon as the kids see their other parent they ran to them

Etsu-are those

Maiko -wow time flies

Etsuko-who are you

Eita-they're you and ronin's aunt's

Ronin-I thought It was only Sami and alie

Mai-well deal with it

Etsuko-I like you already

Maiko -thank you

Ronin-what are your names


Etsuko-wow our names are similar

Etsu-of course I named you




Maiko-I'm maiko

Nice to meet cha anyway do you have tea on our parents

Maiko -do I ever
if you want I also know how they got together

Etsu-maiko no

Etsuko-maiko yes

Renjiro-I love how they are so different even with similar names

Etsuko-fuck off


Etsuko-I'm done

Etsu-on the other hand let's hear the story

Maiko-it was one day and I'm pretty sure your dad was in the stands

In the stands  (kawagata)Where stories live. Discover now