The wedding

177 4 14

Y'all better like this I started cry writing the first part I am very emotional about it for some reason

There is also will be one more chapter after this one

Tendou-today's the day huh you're finally getting married

Yamagata-yea I can't believe it

Semi-the last one huh

Yamagata-oh shut up semi

Ushijima-I can't believe it you grown up and you are now about to get married I'm so happy for you

Tendou-You're going to step out the aisle and and

Tendou started to cry

Yamagata-tendou it's ok also thank you you guys helped me so much I can never repay you

Semi-yes you can just go get married

Yamagata sent them a smile and started walking down the aisle

Just before with kiwi

Shirabu-I can't believe it I'm going to cry

Tachi-the real struggle is for me not to cry

Sami-heh can't believe it your dumbass is almost married

Tachi-shouldn't you be out side

Sami-yea but it's you time to head out

Tachi- Ok let's go

Yamagata POV

My dad was walking with me down the aisle it was one of the times he set aside work and I'm happy so was he I could see him smile but not only him my fiancé too it was time I let go of my dad and walked up to him

Tachi-you look nice

You too

All the priest wedding stuff

You may now kiss

We leaned in and kissed we were both happy as Tachi was crying and so was I in fact everyone was even ushijima

After we pulled away Emiko went up to the center

Emiko-before the rest goes me and some others would like to make speeches yes I know inconvenient but I'm a mom what do you expect


Tachi-just get on with it

Emiko-Tachi ever since that accident when you where 12 I haven't seen you express emotions but when you met hayato you changed you started to smile hell even laughed and I'm so happy about that
And hayato I am so honored to call you my son-in law you bring my kid joy so thank you so much .I can't wait for the day your kids are at the same position as you and you are the ones proud.

Tachi went up to her and hugged her I can't help I smiled too

Next my mom's speech

Mai-I literally have nothing to say other than I called it also thank you tachi for dealing my son


Mai-What I'm serious



My dad was also giving one

Hayato I know I wasn't there all the time but I doesn't change the fact that you are my son I love you so Tachi thank you so much I can tell you two will live happy with your own family
And speaking of family welcome to ours

I look at tachi

Tachi are you ok

I'm sorry Im just sad I don't have a relationship like this with my dad but I'm happy you do

Oh tachi

I hugged him

Even nobu did one
Hayato thanks for taking care of my son and Tachi you're lucky not many people meet there real love the first time you should know that but you kept strong

After everyone else did there speech I decided to do my own

I walk to the mic

I want to do one as well so
Tachi thank you I know you haven't had the best life but you stayed strong thank you for letting down you barriers
Mom even if you are "mean" to me sometimes I also owe you so much
You too tendou semi ushijima shirabu you all helped me yes you to goshiki
I could never thank you enough

Tachi ran to me and hugged me we both started crying

Thank you Tachi

We had done so much that day we had partied played around dance and of course ate cake

Emiko POV

I enjoyed the wedding so much and I remembered the day my wedding how Tachi had done that so what did I do


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Emiko-I hope you're proud not to be there

Bitch-Emiko I

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After it all
Tachi POV

Hayato-hey Tai


Hayato- I love you

Me too hayato me too

I lean in and kiss him
that is my husband

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