Preparing a Date for their S/O

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[Rin in this picture tho 😩✋🏾]

anonymous asked: I’m glad more 1-B fans are showing up.  They deserve all the love.  Before requests close, can I ask for headcanons for Shiozaki, Yanagi, and Tokage trying to prepare for their first date with an S/O they’re already taken with.

Reader's Pronouns: They/Them

Additional Information: Reader and Girls are already in a relationship romantically, mentions of Y/N having a plant based quirk.

A/N: Ngl, this is actually one of my favourite requests, it's so kawaii😍. ily anon. also i wrote a bonus for setsuna. also this is my first time writing kissing scenes don't @ me if it's bad 😭✋🏾

Ibara Shiozaki

—I feel like what made Ibara fall for you is how you can be like Tetsutetsu and Setsuna but you can be calm as fuck.

—So, she did the traditional way of confessing your feelings to someone—goes surprisingly well.

—Now you two are dating, but the thing is—she doesn't know what to do your first date.

—Ibara was honestly confused until she thought about flowers.

—So she planned a date for you guys to go to the botanical gardens, which she asked you out.

—A date? With the girl you managed to be your girlfriend? To the botanical gardens? Yes please!

—You both ended up spending almost the whole day observing plants, commenting about stuff and make some snarky jokes.

—You and Ibara went to the arcade after the sun went down, because going to the arcade feels better at night than day.

—Due to being banned from going to arcades from her parents, it took her a while to get used to it.

—She loves arcades now.

—You won her a K.K. Slider plushie that was in the claw machine, since Ibara has been playing lots of animal crossing lately.

—Y/N: Here you go babe! *kisses cheek*

—Ibara: Y/N! You shouldn't have!

—Your favourite types of dates? Definitely either picnic dates or going to the botanical gardens, it's just a fresh breath of air when the week has been stressful.

—Off topic but your the best massager. She wonders how you can massage her hair with your bare hands without no problem.

—She forgot that your quirk has something to do with plants.

—You guys honestly have the best dates.

Reiko Yanagi

—Oh boy.

—You were scared by her at first but it took you a while to warm up to her.

—The confession went like this.

—Reiko: Who do you have a crush on?

—Y/N: Other than you? Nope. *fucking realizes what they said before blushing*

—Lots of kissing happened.

—Let's just say you almost broke your bed

—But here's the thing. It was hard for Yanagi to plan a date for you because she didn't want to do something that'll make you uncomfortable.

—So. She asked if you liked any spooky stuff; like horror. You tell her that your getting used to the genre but you said yes.

—You guys decided to watch Beetlejuice instead, mild in the scale of spookiness.

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