Feisty S/O

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sweetheart-weeb-33 asked: Can I please have Shoda, Honenuki, & Kamakiri with an S/O who seems to be small & cute, but has a ferocious temper when the right buttons are pushed?

Reader's Pronouns: They/Them

[here we go-]

Togaru Kamakiri

*[maniacal laughter in the background]*

—This cunt thought you were some happy go lucky person whose always positive. Until he saw you beating the fuck out of some kid from the business course who provoked you.

—Better go and grab popcorn so he can witness the fight.

—Now I know what you're thinking, he'll tease the fuck out of you to see your feisty side, right?


—This dude will try 101 ways to not piss you off. Even if it's having to revive John F. Kennedy from the dead.

—Although he doesn't want to piss you off, he always likes to witness when someone else pisses you off.

—He thinks it's hot.

[insert awase saying that's pretty sexy]

—[picture above btw]

—If someone insults him, he'd just let you beat them up, no hesitation.

—I think he'll only intervene in fights is when you or the other person is going a bit too far...

—Like when they look like they can go into a coma...yeah


Nirengenki Shoda

—The only actual person out of all the others with a brain.

—First time he saw you fight oh fuck no!

—Not today Satan

—If you’re shorter than him [not too short], he’ll restrain the fuck out of you. If you’re taller than him [not too tall], it’ll take him a while for him to restrain you from murdering a bitch.

—There was a time where he accidentally pissed you off and oh boy—say your prayers.

—If someone insults him while you're there, he'll remove you from the room before dealing with them.

—Whenever you're not attempting homicide, he admires your boldness and how you can put someone in their place.

—He cannot make fun of your height because from a viewer's POV, y'all look like the same height. [If you're the same height/shorter than him]

—If you're a bit taller than him, you just tease him.

—One time he saw you sharpening a knife.

—Knives are one of his worst fears.


Juuzo Honenuki

—Doesn't really take you as a joke because he knows that you could kick ass. Especially his-

—Okay that sounded very wrong.

—Prays for whoever picks on you whether it's for your height or appearance.

—In my opinion Juuzo is a 'depends' type of person. Basically it depends on the situation that got you into threatening the person.

—If the person starts bleeding then he'll restrain you, but otherwise than that he'll just be there like:


—He likes how you can look and/or act like a sweetheart and beat up others at the same time.

—Juuzo would probably describe you as that type of person who'd help an elderly walk the street then shove someone's head in a toilet.

—Usually when someone insults him, he'd just tell you that he'll deal with it.

—And threaten them with a bad  good time. Again, when someone insults him, he usually deals with it himself because...yeah 👀

—That'll be a whole different story arc if he allowed you to deal with it.


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