Monoma Headcannons

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General Headcannons

[No reader insert]

—He is half Belgian, you can't convince me otherwise.

—He collects ancient souvenir for a living.

—Sometimes sells it but that's for another time 👀

—Neito is definitely a theatre/band kid. Change my mind.

—Honestly I hc that he grew up with his grandfather and they used to read books about history, inventions and all that stuff.

—They still do it to this day

—Monoma be like: I love you gramps! 💘

—Gramps: 😳

—His parents are fashion designers, hence why his taste in fashion is god tier.

—He's a tech whiz, that's it. That's the tea.

—Kamakiri literally saw him hacking into Yuuei's system.

—Monoma told him not to tell anyone.

—He gave him some blades to keep his mouth shut

—Probably played golf before.

—His favourite sport is tennis.

—Whenever Pony brings down foreign snacks, Neito usually takes most of them.

—He likes the Reese's Cups that she brings.

—His favourite dessert is strawberry cheesecake.

—Owns a pair of Doc Martens shoes.

—Just like Midoriya, he does quirk analysis and can study the next move of the opponent, hence why he predicted what Uraraka was gonna do at the sports festival.

—Did I mention that he's a comic book nerd?

—He'll literally gush over a western comic for hours.

—Overall he has an actual personality but the fandom portrays him as mentally unstable and y'all should stop sleeping on him.

Not to sound like a snob or self centred but I'd appreciate if you comment on my stuff. Just feels like I'm writing this for nobody.

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