Chapter 2

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A bright light came flashing by, as she pulled her body back and fell to the ground. She finds herself beside the sidewalk with her knees scraped and the sound of a car screeching in front of her. She was still blinded by the light, as she assumed she was in heaven until she heard a car door closing and someone walking to her. As she listened, she could hear the surroundings before the person's body blocked the bright light.

"Little lady, are you alright?" asked the driver as she stood up, looking around and wondering what's going on. "Are you okay?" The driver repeated himself, but she didn't respond.
Another voice entered the situation and said, "Dave, what's the holdup?" He was a very young handsome man in a black suit.
The young man reached in his pocket and pulled out a business card before shoving it into her hands before saying, "call me for the hospital bill if you want money." in a cold detached way. As he assumed she was a scammer who jumped in front of his car to get money.

Her mind was completely blank and not knowing what's happening and what's going on, all she heard was "money" and her body started to boil as it was a reminder of her death. "I don't need your money!" she barks and rips the business card into shreds before throwing it in his face. She quickly stormed off, not knowing where she was heading before it started to rain.
She finally stopped and watched the crowds of people running for shelter. She stood there, dazed and wondering, didn't I die? Where am I? What is happening?
She saw her reflection against the rippled puddle down below to see her fifteen-year-old self.
She mumbled to herself, "have I gone back in time?"
She looked at her small hands and realized she was barefoot. She started to recall her memories, today will be exactly 15 years ago since the day she found out about them. She had spotted them cheating with each other once she arrived at the upstairs living room, finding them making out and having their hands all over each other. She couldn't believe her eyes and became speechless before dropping the present she prepared for their anniversary. She said in a deep voice, "how could you two...?" Rin laughed at her questions before saying, "Did you really think Parker loved you? He always loved me and this isn't the first time we have done this. We even got farther.." as it echoed inside of her head.
Faye said with her heart collapsing, " this can't be true..."
Finally, Parker said something while laughing at her, "Do you really think I love you? You're a plain, boring girl while Rin is way better looking and talented than you and you will never be compared to her." She felt like her heart was stabbed right in the middle. She always knew that she would never be better than Rin, but he always gave her support and cheered her on whenever she felt discouraged. Now, she knows he's been lying to her all this time. She always thought he was the man for her, but she guessed wrong. They continue to laugh as if they were mocking her.
"Well, can you leave, so Parker and I can finish what we had started?" Rin mocked.
"Just leave her there," Parker said so coldly that she couldn't recognize him anymore. They started their lovemaking right in front of her. She was still in shock as her mind was only telling her to run and nothing else, and the next thing she knew was a car heading to her in a bright light before hitting her.
Once she woke up, she was in the hospital. Rin and Parker were there, saying what she supposedly saw was just a dream and had never happened. And she believes them....

Faye was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, completely soaked from the rain. Now, she knew why they lied to her at the hospital, they just wanted money. They could have announced their relationship the next day or hour, but they knew they could still use her for life insurance. They used her!
Her hand curled up in a ball with her nails digging into her flesh as her hatred grew stronger. She screamed not knowing what else to do. She let the rain beat against her face, trying to make the rain wash away her anger and resentment.
However, she thought to herself, " I'm back..."

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