Chapter 59

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Faye's cold, hateful expression returned to her face again. Her clear eyes turned into ice as she looked at Parker. Her shield was back up and showing a great defense against Parker.

"Faye...," Parker tried to speak.

"I guess you really don't understand when I said that we no longer need to see each other," Faye said, deadly. "If you continue this, I will call the police on you for harassment," Faye said, trying to leave.

"Wait, Faye," he said, trying to stop her as he reached out to grab her wrist, but then remembered something before stopping himself from grabbing her. "Faye, I wanted to tell you-," he was cut short when Leo appeared behind her.

"Where are you going without me," Leo said to Faye as he wrapped his left arm around her before pulling her closer to him and giving Parker a deadly stare.

"Hey," Faye said, stunned and flustered by Leo appearing out of nowhere and hugging her from behind. Parker stood there, with so much emotion he was feeling now. He was shocked to see what was happening in front of him. He didn't expect to see Leo, popping out of nowhere. He also felt this tightness in his chest when he saw Faye's flustered expression and how she didn't push Leo away. However, he felt this chill going down his spine once he saw Leo's deadly gaze. Parker tried to shake out of those feelings before trying to say, "Faye-" However he was once again interrupted.

"So you are leaving me? Do you want me to drive by myself?" Leo said with a teasing smile displayed on his face. "Where's Dave?" Faye asked.

"Dave is spending time with Eve," he said. "Well, I guess my girlfriend wants me to drive myself then," he continued and slightly touched his braced wrist. However, Leo also glanced at Parker as Parker was shocked to hear what he just heard.

"You know you are petty. I can't wait to get over this debt," Faye said, giving up as she looked at his injured wrist. "How is it today? Does it feel better than yesterday?" Faye said, showing warm care in her eyes. Parker saw how sweet Faye was looking at Leo as the tightness in his chest was squeezing tighter. He could remember how she looked at him like that so long ago...

He felt like he was invisible, and they didn't see him there as they just left him all alone. He watched them go without saying anything to stop them. He couldn't stop his mind from replaying Faye's loving, tender, clear eyes, but this time they weren't looking at him.


"Oh, Parker. What brings you here? Are you here to discuss the engagement?" Faye's father said, super pleased. Parker entered the Davidsons'  house and walked into the living room to find both of Faye's parents after the maid allowed him to enter the house.

"Yes," Parker said before taking a seat.

"Oh, let me go call Rin. She will be so excited to hear this good news," Faye's mother said, super excited as she waved her hand to the maid, telling her to go get Rin.

"There's no need to get her. I just want to inform you all quickly since I have a matter to attend to soon," Parker said. Both of Faye's parents could tell from Parker's voice that it was something serious, and they both sat up straight without leaning back.

"What's the matter?" Faye's father said seriously.

"Well, I'm here to tell you all that I'm annulling the engagement," Parker said. Both of Faye's parents' eyes trembled in shock and felt their whole being overwhelmed with the news.

"W-what are you saying...," Faye's mother stuttered in confusion.

"I'm here to destroy the agreement of the engagement we have together," Parker said.

"Y-you can't just annul this agreement. What did your parents say?" Faye's father said, trying to find any excuse to stop him from canceling the engagement.

"I have already discussed this with my parents before I got here. They have already agreed. You and my father can discuss the partnership later. It's time for me to leave. Please inform Rin. If she wants to talk about it, then inform her that I'm available to talk to her," Parker said, getting up but stopping once he saw Rin standing there behind them with shocked eyes.

"Rin," Parker said softly and quickly avoided her eyes. "Well, since you hear what I said, then I guess we don't have to discuss then," Parker said, leaving.

"Parker, wait!" Rin said, trying to catch him. "I think you have to explain yourself," Rin grabbed his wrist. They both were standing outside on the patio. "Parker? Explain yourself," Rin said.

"Rin... I can't anymore. This guilt is eating me alive. Every time I see Faye, I get overwhelmed with pain and guilt. This has to end," Parker said.

Rin endured the anger in her heart and repeated what he said, "Every time you see Faye?" Parker looked away. "What do you mean by that? When did you meet Faye? How long have you been meeting Faye?" Rin said, hiding the anger in her voice.

He went silent and didn't look her in the eyes. "Then what about us? Are you ending that too?" Rin said. Parker once again remains silent. She knew what the silence meant, but she needed a verbal statement to make it true. "Answer me!" Rin finally exploded.

"Yes," he said, quietly. Rin's eyes widened in shock with her eyes reddening. "I'm sorry... Rin, but being with you, just makes the guilt bigger to the point that I can't breathe," Parker said, not looking her in the eyes. "I'm so sorry, Rin. I'm a coward..... This is my fault not yours... Farewell, Rin," Parker said softly and walked away, leaving Rin. She stood there, stuck in place as if her mind was still comprehending what was happening.

It took her a minute before she shouted. "Parker! This is not over!" Her eyes redden in anger and pain with her fist tightening into her palms while her whole body trembled in anger. "how dare he leave her for Faye!"

"Faye, how dare you! This happened because of you!" Rin said, angry. Her nail dug into her flesh and started to bleed. "Just you wait, Faye," Rin said, deadly.

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