Chapter 47

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The next day arrived, and Faye and Eve were in the office working on their next project. "Have you finished the report?" Faye asked Eve.

"Yes, I have. I just need to finish up with the presentation," Eve said while working on the presentation. "How does everything look?" Eve added and turned her head to Faye. Faye leaned down to see the laptop screen better and review the presentation that Eve had done so far.

"It looks good. Keep working on that and add more detail to explain more," Faye said.

"Alright," Eve said before she glanced at the time. "Oh, look at the time! I got to go," Eve said, quickly finishing her sentences and closing up the presentation. Eve scrambled to grab her stuff and got up.

"Where are you off to today? You are in such a hurry?" Faye said, watching Eve scrambling around.

Eve smiled in a kiddish way before saying, "I have to go meet up with John since he is picking me up now. He has to pick up some vegetables at my house," Faye nodded in response while Eve hurried out the door as she was carrying her black jacket in her hand.

Before Eve left the building, she hurried to the restroom first. At that moment, Dave happened to pass by and noticed Eve rushing to the restroom. For some reason, he became worried about Eve. He was wondering if she was okay or if she was feeling sick since she was hurrying into the restroom. He couldn't just walk into the female restroom to check on her, so he waited until she came out. He stood close by to the restroom, but not visibly close to where she could see him once she came out. A couple of minutes passed before Eve exited the restroom in a hurry.

However, once Eve exited the restroom, Dave's eyes were surprised by what he saw. Eve was no longer that shy person. It was as if she had transformed into a different person. She had her black, shiny hair in a high ponytail while wearing a black ripped jean jacket with a lollipop in her mouth. She looked like an outgoing, enthusiastic person. He was bewildered. His eyes didn't let her out of his sight as his body was already following after her.

Eve exited the building before she spotted John. "Sorry for taking so long," Eve smiled goofily, pulling the lollipop out of her mouth.

"Yeah. What took you so long," John said as he ruffled her hair.

"Hey! I just did my hair," Eve pouted and stuck the candy back in her mouth before swatting away his hand. As those two were happily chatting, Dave had a sour feeling. He remembered seeing John before, and he knew John works for the Ming Company since he had to do background checks on them to report to Leo.

He knew that he should leave since it was not his business who Eve hung out with, but for some reason, his body didn't want to leave. Maybe the reason why he couldn't leave was because he didn't understand why Eve couldn't be comfortable with him. What did he do to her that made her so uncomfortable with him? He watched her smile brightly at John.

"Alright, ready to go? I got things to do later today," John said. Before Eve could answer back, Dave called out, "Eve."

Eve turned back and was surprised to see Dave behind her. She started to sweat as if she was caught cheating, but what also made her sweat was she remembered she no longer looked like the timid person she was displaying for Dave. Eve opened her mouth and then closed it as she couldn't form any words.

"Hello, my name is John. Who might you be?" John introduced himself, saving Eve.

"I know who you are," Dave answered coldly. "Oh, is that so?" John said with a bright smile. "Then you are?" John said, cheerfully, disregarding Dave's cold remark.

"My name is Dave, Leo Lon's assistant," Dave said.

"Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you have taken care of Eve and Faye for me," John said as he remembered who he was. "Yes, I have," Dave replied aloof.

Eve felt it was weird that Dave was being cold and aloof. It was not like him. He was usually a calm, sweet person. She looked at him confused, before Dave directed his attention to her, which surprisingly caught her off guard. "Where are you off to?" Dave said as if his stare could kill.
"Um," she didn't know what to say at first. "Well...," she started to say.

"Well, since you aren't going anywhere. Can you help me with something?" Dave said, interrupting her from continuing on.

John already noticed Dave's sour eye towards him, so he said, "Eve, don't worry. I can go by myself. You can go help, Dave."

"Oh, okay...," Eve said, not sure what was happening right now as everything was too fast for her to comprehend right now, and she had many things going on in her head at the moment like he is seeing her true self and not her timid self or why he was acting this way.... Could it be that he didn't like how she dressed?

"Well, it's nice meeting you again," John said, "See you later," he said to Eve and headed to his car.

Once John left, Eve felt more awkward and nervous before saying, "What do you need help with...."

However, before Eve could finish her sentence, Dave said, "Why can't you act like this with me? Did I do something to you? Is that why you aren't comfortable with me?"

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