Chapter 31

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"I find it funny that you have a business card?" he said. Before he could continue, Faye immediately said, "I'm an investor."

"Investment manager," she corrected herself.

"A investment manager? Oh, would you like to work for me?" Leo asked. "You seem like you will do a great job," he said, reading the name "Ming Company" on the card.

"Sorry, but I already work for someone," she lied. "Right, the Ming company. You must have done a great job since the Ming company is so famous," his voice seemed to tease her.
She had to lie to him so he wouldn't investigate. With his kind of money, he would be able to find out that she is the owner of the Ming company and how rich she is.

"So, you do know Robert Long? Then why did you lie to me? What did I do to you to dislike me?" His voice seems to be entertained. "Your smile," she bluntly told the truth. She doesn't know why but his smile just irritates her, which is odd because his smile is gorgeous as it is known that he rarely shows his smile to anyone.
"My smile... is that so...," Leo said, sending chills down her spine. "Well, then I get to business then. I would like you to inform Robert to contact me since you work for him," he said before ending the call.

"Faye, who was that?" Ian asked while both Janine and Ian were looking at her. "I must call Robert," Faye said instead before calling Robert again. Once again, it went straight to voicemail. "Why isn't he picking up the phone?" she said. "He is probably busy? You can talk to him when we go celebrate tonight," Janine said. "Alright, it's almost time. Let's close up," Janine took off her apron. "Oh, do you two want to join us?" Janine asked Elle and Daniel.

"Is it okay?" Daniel said. "Of course! No need to be shy," Janine said.

"Umm, Janine. Don't worry about closing up, I can stay here instead," Elle said. "Oh, don't worry about the shop," Janine said. "Well, I feel bad for the regulars who didn't get their coffee tonight. Don't worry. I can handle it all by myself," Elle said. Janine could see how determined and genuine Elle was. "Alright, just call me if something happens. I'll keep my phone on and right next to me at all times," Janine said as they all headed out.

In the quiet coffee shop, a few customers were coming in and out. The door opened again, and a handsome man entered. He pushed his glasses up to realign them to his face before scanning the shop. "Welcome," Elle cheerfully said as her face lit up. The man nodded his head and continued to scan the shop. "Would you like your usual?" Elle asks.

"I've never seen you before?" the man asked. "Oh, I'm new here," Elle said, with her cheeks turning red.
"Then how did you know my usual?" the man said. "Umm, Janine told me before she left," she said, flustered. "Oh," the man answered with one reply. "It will be out soon," Elle tried to change the subject.

A few minutes later, Elle set the cup down in front of the handsome man. "I hope this matches your taste," Elle said shyly. The man didn't say anything and took a sip before setting it down. It didn't seem to match his taste, and he didn't drink it anymore. Elle quietly noticed that and was sadly disappointed.


Janine stretched her arm up before yawning, "Ian, you can head home first. I have to go back to the shop and check if Elle is alright and close up. So you can head on home first and do your homework, Janine said as Ian, Faye, and Janine were working toward the cars.

"I can drop you off," Faye said to Ian. "Alright," he replied. "Sis, are you sure you don't need me?" Ian asks his sister.

"Of course, you'll just get in the way," Janine said before waving goodbye to them. "Ian, don't forget to fix that light in the hallway," Janine shouted. "Yeah yeah," Ian answered back, tired of hearing that again. Both Janine and Ian only had each other since both of their parents died in a car accident when Janine was in her senior year of high school. Luckily enough for her, she got a full scholarship to go to college, but she still had to work hard to take care of everything for herself and Ian.

Janine finally reached the shop. "How did everything go?" Janine asks Elle.

"Um, great. Not that many people," she answered. "Is everything okay? You seem kind of off?" Janine said, putting her apron on. "Oh, it's nothing. I guess I'm tired," Elle said, glancing at the man. "Well, you can head on out. Don't worry. I can handle the rest. Thanks for your hard work today. See you tomorrow," Janine assured her.

Before Elle left the shop, she took one more glance at the handsome man, who was busy looking at his phone.
Janine was busy cleaning up until she noticed the handsome man. "Oh, sorry I didn't notice you. How was your day? Did you have another late surgery?" Janine asked. The man glanced at Janine and smiled. "Yes, but that was my last late-night surgery for this week," he said.
"That's good. I can see the bags under your eyes," Janine said, wiping the counter. "Sorry, to ask but can I get another drink? I forgot to drink this, and now it's cold," the man asked. "Oh, no problem," Janine said, taking away the cup of coffee.

A few minutes later, she set a cup down, "Here is your flat white," she said with a bright smile. The handsome man grabbed the handle and looked down at the cute coffee art before taking a sip. A small delightful smile appeared on the man's face. "You must love coffee," Janine said. "Not really," he smiled, looking at Janine cleaning up.

The handsome man with glasses exited the shop before answering his phone, "Hey, what's up, Leo?"

"Hey, Vincent....," the voice was overhead through the phone.

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