Chapter 69

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"No. The answer is no. I disapprove of this marriage," Faye's grandfather said. Both Faye and Leo were standing in front of her grandfather, who immediately stood up after they broke the news.

"Gramps," Faye tried to say, but her grandfather stopped her and said, "That's enough. I don't want you to marry him. That's my final say." Her grandfather left his office.

"Gramps," Faye called out to him. Both Leo and Faye looked at each other. They both went after him.

Ben was at his desk, working on his assignments when he noticed her grandfather leaving the office without saying anything. "Mr. Davidson?" Ben said, confused as well, and got up from his chair. He quickly went after his boss. Her grandfather left the building.

"Gramps, wait," Faye said, "Explain yourself." Her grandfather finally stopped. He turned back and looked at her. "Gramps?" she said before he took a sigh.

"Mr. Davidson," Leo tried to say, but someone interrupted them.

"There you are, Leo. I've been looking all over for you. I just heard the news. Are you out of your mind? You know how much I hate Richard Davidson," Leo's grandfather said as he exited the car and glared at her grandfather.

"You hate me? I'm the one who should hate you!" Faye's grandfather roared in anger. "It was because of you...!" He seemed to try to hold himself back.

"Because of me?" Leo's grandfather said, baffled. Immediately, Faye's grandfather was so irritated with his clueless face that he could no longer hold it in. "It was because of you that Anna was left heartbroken! I can't believe I used to consider you a friend," her grandfather said in great frustration as he was bringing back old memories.

"What nonsense are you sprouting? Leaving her heartbroken?" Leo's grandfather said, confused.

"Did you know she waited for you for five years? Five years! To find out that you, a piece of trash, were getting married to someone else," Faye's grandfather said, extremely pissed.

"What are you talking about? Weren't you with her?" Leo's grandfather said, not understanding.

Faye's grandfather laughed in disbelief and said, "I was never with her! She only had eyes for you. She only considers me as a friend."

"But I saw you two together. That's why I left you two alone and agreed with the arranged marriage my parents gave me," Leo's grandfather said.

"Y-you bastard," Faye's grandfather punched Leo's grandfather as he couldn't believe his stupidity. Immediately, Ben and Leo tried to stop him from continuing. "Instead of getting a clear answer, you ran away again. Leaving her all alone." Faye's grandfather was still in disbelief.

"I'm so glad she found a man who truly loved her. You bastard!" her grandfather brushed off the people holding him. "This is why I don't want my granddaughter to marry into your family. Heartless bastards," he said.

Leo's grandfather was in some sort of shock as he stood there, trying to process everything. He then looked at Faye and remembered who she looked familiar with. "Anna?" he said.

Both Leo and Faye looked at each other, not understanding what was happening now.

"Yeah, that's right. She's Anna's granddaughter," Faye's grandfather said.

"My grandma?" Faye said, confused.

"Wait, where is she?" Leo's grandfather said, desperate.

"She's already dead," Faye's grandfather said. "What?" Leo's grandfather said, overwhelmed. His eyes turn into devastation.

"Why does it matter to you now," her grandfather snarked.

"So she's gone...," Leo's grandfather said softly. "Wait, so all this time, you hated me because of Anna? I-I hated you because I thought you were the one who left Anna since you married someone else," his grandfather said. Faye's grandfather clenched his fist to stop himself from punching him in the face again. "And now, you won't let your granddaughter marry my grandson because of me?" he said.

"That's correct," her grandfather answered, "I don't trust a family member of a heartless bastard."

"So you are willing to ruin your granddaughter's happiness because of this old feud," Leo's grandfather said, realizing it was all along his fault and his mistake as he will have to live with this regret.

"Not unless Leo decides to take my family name instead. Then I will allow it," her grandfather said.

"What nonsense you are spewing. He can't take your family name. He is my family heir," his grandfather argued. They both started to get riled up again.

Both Faye and Leo said, "Grandpa," stopping the argument from getting larger.

"We just wanted to inform you all," Leo said, ending the fight.

"Yes, if we don't get your blessing, that's fine. We are still going to get married," Faye said, making Leo smile at her as he leaned towards her. "Quit smiling," Faye pushed his face away from her. Both grandfathers went quiet but immediately noticed how Faye and Leo were looking at each other as Faye was pushing Leo's smug face away. They could see the love in each of their eyes. Both grandfathers knew they couldn't stop them. They took a deep sigh.

"Alright...," they both said at the same time. They looked at each other before looking away from each other in irritation. Faye and Leo thanked their grandfathers and smiled at each other with love in their eyes.

Both grandparents agreed to the marriage because they knew love was not easy to obtain and once obtained, it was easy to lose. And most importantly, their grandkids' happiness should be more important.

Also, they should keep the past in the past. Making the old feud bigger wouldn't make a difference since it was already too late. It was best left in the past... untold...

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