Chapter 57

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Faye hesitated with her eyes glued to the screen. It continued to ring as Mingy titled his head, looking at her confused. Ming nuzzled against the phone as if he was telling her to answer it, but she didn't. Ming barked at her, telling her to answer it. "No. I can't..," she said. Mingy couldn't handle her stubbornness and used his nose to answer the phone. "Ming!" she said as she quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Leo said in a low voice. "Faye?" He called out, but she didn't answer. "It's fine, you don't have to answer me. I'll be quick. I just wanted to apologize for violating you and if you want to press charges. I will understand. I also want to inform you that I no longer need you to help me. We no longer owe each other anything. Thank you. I won't bother you anymore... Goodbye Faye," Leo ended as he had already decided never to see her again and was leaving her for good.

In that minute, Faye shouted on the phone as her heart trembled in nervousness as if it was afraid of losing something important, "You are just going to leave me! After you make me feel like this... I hate how my heart is pounding or how my heart is worried about you! I hate this feeling... Y-you have to take responsibility!"

There was a pause before Faye realized what she just said as if her feelings just came out of her mouth without her comprehending it. She quickly covers her mouth. "Umm, I... W-what I mean...,'' Faye tried to say but couldn't think of what to say.

"D-does that mean you feel the same thing too?" he said.

"N-NO!" she tried to say quickly, trying to deny her unconscious confession.

"I think you just confessed to me," Leo said as if he was smirking. Faye immediately tightened her lips together as her cheeks turned bright red. "I-I did not!" she denied.

"If that is so, then take care Faye," Leo said seriously again.

"Wait!" Faye unconsciously shouted back. Leo chuckled. "Y-you," Faye said as she knew he was teasing her and hung up the phone. Her face was bright red, and her heart was beating so loud that he probably heard it.

She hasn't felt this embarrassment since she was in her past life. She puffed her chest and thought, "how dare he. If he wants to leave then she wouldn't stop him anymore."

She then glared at Ming, "Y-you! Because of you, I made a fool out of myself. You little brat," she grabbed Mingy's face and rubbed his face together. However, Ming just opened his mouth with his tongue hanging out as he was smiling in delight. "You little brat," she smiled. She gave up as she couldn't resist Mingy's cute smiley face. "You owe me," she laughed and scratched the back of his ears. For some reason, her heart felt relief, like the fear and burden she had disappeared as if her unintentional confession helped her. "I think it is time for me to contact everyone back. They are probably worried sick," Faye said as she opened her phone while Ming lay his head down on Faye's lap.

Before she could dial a number, the doorbell rang. "Who could that be?" she said as Ming lifted his head off, and Faye got up.

She looked at the peephole to have her eyes widened in surprise. Her cheeks started to turn pink again. Leo, who was on the other side of the door, was smiling and waving at her as if he knew she was looking at him through the peephole. "Are you going to open the door?" he teased.

"What are you doing here?" she shouted, flustered through the door. He chuckled back, "To get my car back."

She tightened her lips together as she looked at his key that was sitting on the table. She wasn't prepared to see him yet, but she opened the door as he stood right in front of her. "Here, "she said, not looking him in the eyes and giving him his key back. "Since you got your key back. Bye now," she said quickly and tried to shut the door.

"What's the rush," he said, stopping her from shutting the door. "Shouldn't we continue our conversation," he said with a smile. Her ear turned red before saying, "How did you get my address, and how did you get in?" as she was trying to change the subject.

"I got your address from Robert," he said as Faye thought she was going to get Mingy to attack him. "And I just talked to the front desk people saying that I know you," he said, making his way in without her consent.

"Hey, what are you doing," she said, flustered. She was backing up unconsciously, and he made his way in. "I-I didn't invite you in here,'' she said, trying to push him out. "Mingy!" she called out. Leo's eyebrow raised and saw a golden retriever running out of the room. Ming stopped in his tracks once he saw Leo. He sat down and tilted his head with his ears flapping here and there as he was confused about what to do.

"Mingy? Attack...," Faye said, confused as well. She knew Mingy was always protective of her and would push any men who got close to her. "Mingy?" she said, but this time Mingy got up and closed the front door. "MINGY!" she shouted as he quickly ran back into the bedroom.

"You do have a good dog," Leo smiled.

"Mingy, come back here," she said and tried to chase after him before Leo caught her wrist, stopping her from leaving him. Ming barked and then closed the bedroom door, leaving her gobsmacked. She couldn't believe it. Her dog was taking his side.

"What a good dog," Leo chuckled before Faye turned her head and glared at him. He tried his best to cover his chuckle with his hand. "I can see why you ask me to take care of him. He's a good dog," he said.

"More like a brat," she said, upset. She removed his hand from her wrist. Leo tried to grab her wrist again. "Hey," she said, batting his hand away and causing his left hand to hit his right hand. He hissed in pain. "Are you okay?" Faye said worriedly and softly touched his right arm. "Your wrist still hasn't healed yet?" Faye said, concerned, but Leo tightened his lips and remained silent as if he didn't want to tell her what happened. "You are hiding something," Faye said as she remembered. "Hey, what happened that day? Were you okay? Did Vincent come in time?" Faye couldn't stop asking questions as the feeling she was holding in the back of her head and deep in her heart was bursting out. However, Leo remained silent and tried to avoid eye contact. "Why aren't you answering?" she said.

"I-I... was hospitalized for a week, and I injured my wrist again, so it has gotten worse...," he reluctantly said.

Faye's eyebrows raised in worry before saying, "how are you feeling now?" she forgot how flustered she was as her body moved on her own. She touched his forehead to see if he was okay. "I'm sorry... you got into this mess because of me," she said with her eyes softened in concern and sorrow as her shield was no longer in sight. Leo felt his heart feeling warm with love.

He smiled, "Don't worry. I'm fine." He stroked her head.

"So that's why I didn't hear anything from you," Faye mumbled.

"You were waiting for me to call, huh?" Leo teased as he heard her. He was waiting for her to push him away and make a fuss again, but instead, she remained quiet and watched him smile at her.

She stared at his stupid smile. That smile that makes her heart warm and light, as if her chains and burden were gone.

She then looked into his caring eyes. Those annoying, caring eyes that could see right through her as if they could easily find her. She hated how they were saying, "There you are. I've been looking for you. You know I can see you."

Leo felt something was not right as she wasn't saying anything. Before he could apologize for teasing too much.

"Shut up," Faye said, flustered before leaning her body towards him. "I hate you," she slid her arms underneath his arms and wrapped her arms around him as his eyes widened in shock before smiling. "Is that so...,'' he hugged her back.

"I really hate you," she rubbed her face in his chest as she was trying to hide her flustered face from him. She knew she could no longer stop her feelings for him anymore.

"Yes, hate me as much as you can so that you can't help but think about me," he chuckled and rested his chin on her head.
As their words for I love you had turned into I hate you.

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