Chapter 22

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Weeks went by and Faye had completely ignored all calls from her grandfather. Her grandfather had left multiple messages, but she had ignored them. "Faye, haven't you called your grandfather yet?" Janine was on the phone.

"Nope, and not planning to.," she answered. "Why not?" Janine asked again.

"You know I hold grudges for a long time," Faye said, not trying to get into it. "You know your grandfather's birthday is coming up this week," Janine reminded her. Faye was silent as she kind of forgot, she knew his birthday was coming soon but forgot it was this week. "I think about it. Talk to you later," she said and hung up.

A few minutes later, she looked at all of the voice messages that her grandfather had left along with Ben's. She scrolls through all the voice messages and starts listening to each one of them. She started laughing at each one as all of them were her grandfather complaining to her and telling her to call him immediately. Finally, the last voice message from Ben said, "Faye, please don't forget that your grandfather's birthday is this week. Your grandfather is really sorry, but you know he is a very stubborn man like you. Please come to the celebration and talk to your grandfather." Another voice was overheard in the voice message, "Let her be," her grandfather said. She shut her phone down and sat on her bed, pondering. Mingy quickly jumped on the bed and started rolling around, ruining the blanket. She gave a quick smile and said, "look at you, having fun with no worries." She ruffled his fur around in her hands. She gave out a deep sigh before saying, "I guess I have to go to the celebration, but that means I will have to face them." She looked down at Mingy, looking into her eyes, "yes, I know, but I will make them lose face as they have done to me. Her eyes showed great resentment before Mingy nuzzled his nose into her palm. "Fine, I let them be unless they try to harm me. I'm not that same stupid girl," she said coldly. "Okay, I guess it's time to go buy a gift for gramps," she said before getting out of bed.

The day had finally come, and it was her grandfather's birthday. It was a huge celebration as everyone was here to celebrate, but mostly for themselves to make her grandfather take an interest in them, and maybe they could possibly use her grandfather to help them in their own ideas and companies. However, her grandfather was not an idiot who could be fooled by them. He knew they had a motive to use him. The celebration had already started as everyone was presenting their gifts to her grandfather, but there was no sight of Faye. "Mr. Davidson, my nephew would like to sing you a song for your birthday," said an elegant mid-age woman. Her grandfather didn't mind it and allowed it. The lights dim down as Faye finally arrives and enters the celebration. She was wearing a white dress with white high heels. No one noticed her as they all were focused on the man on the stage. "Oh, it's him again," she said to herself. The man on the stage with one of his ears pierced was looking particularly stunning today as his sharp clear eyes looked deeply towards the audience. All the ladies were dreamily looking at the man on the stage. All their attention was on him, with their faces blushing. Faye overheard two young ladies talking, "That's Lake, right? I can't believe to see him today. I love his songs," one lady said.

"Right. Me too! He is so handsome in real life," the other one said.

"So, he is an idol. He has a nice voice and good looking face. Too bad he has an obnoxious attitude," Faye said to herself while listening to his song. Loud applause was established after he finished his song. "Happy birthday, Mr. Davidson," the singer spoke. Her grandfather just nodded his head before scanning the room to see if Faye was present. It seemed that there was no one else who had a gift for her grandfather until a decent voice was heard. "Happy birthday, Mr. Davidson," as the young female in white was walking toward him. The room went quiet with their eyes watching as the young lady handed him a small box.

"Finally, you showed up," her grandfather said. He opened the box, and in the box was a simple navy blue striped tie made from silk. Some people sneered, thinking about what kind of gift is that, but then they saw her grandfather smile with great joy. His entire face lit up as he took the tie out of the box and touched the texture. Everyone was shocked in amazement to see Richard Davidson smile, as he didn't show any interest in any other gifts that everyone had given him. Before her grandfather could thank her, someone asked, "Mr. Davidson, who is this?"

Her grandfather smiled and answered, "My granddaughter,'' as everyone was shocked to the core. They started to whisper to each other as Richard Davidson had never related himself to his family members before. At that moment, Faye's parents and Rin, along with Parker immediately looked at the young lady in a white dress as their eyes showed disbelief.

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