Chapter 68

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Three months later, Leo's wrist fully recovered, and his gunshot wound was still healing as it still needed a couple of more weeks to fully be healed, but Vincent finally allowed Leo to be discharged.
During those three months, Rin was charged with her crimes and went to prison. Soon, Faye's parents tried to find ways to contact her, but all results were a dead end.
"Where are you taking me?" Faye said, with Leo taking her somewhere.

"You will see," Leo said, driving. Faye narrowed her eyes at him before looking at the road again.

"Are you supposed to be driving? You just got better, and your wound is still healing," Faye said.

"If I wasn't trustworthy, then Ming wouldn't let me drive in the first place. Am I right, Ming," Leo said, glancing at the mirror to see Ming barking in agreement while he was laying in the back seat of the car.

"I don't why, but it feels like he is your dog and not mine. When did you two become close?" Faye said in disbelief. Mingy then sat up before moving forward to them and nuzzling his nose onto her arm.

"See, he is a good boy," Leo said.

"Yeah. Yeah," Faye said before petting his head. "Now, go back to your spot," she said as he went back and lay in the back seats again.

"Huh?" Faye said, confused. Leo pulled the car into the driveway. "This is the place you are taking me? This is just my place?" Faye said, getting out of the car and letting Mingy out. They stood in front of Faye's grandmother's house. "Hey, where are all the workers?" Faye said, looking around to see the place completely empty. Mingy had already gone running towards the house.

"I told Robert to tell them not to come in today," Leo said, shutting the car door.

"What? What authority do you have?" Faye said.

He just smiled before grabbing her hand, "Come on, I have something to show you."

"Show me? At my place?" Faye said, confused.

They stopped at the entrance of the garden walkway as there were rose petals all over the pathway and lights hanging along the walkway. "What's going on?" Faye said with her eyes surprised. At that moment, Mingy came running down that path to them with something in his mouth. She then looked at Leo in confusion. "Good boy," Leo said. Leo petted Ming's head and took the box out of his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Faye smiled, thinking how cheese he was being. Leo then went down on one of his knees and said, "Faye, would you marry me?"

"Why should I marry you?" Faye said with a smile.

"Well, you did cry for me," Leo said, getting up but still holding the open box in his hand.

"Cry? I-I didn't cry... I don't know what you are talking about?" Faye said, refusing to look him in the eyes.

He chuckled, "Since you didn't reject me, then I am going to assume it's a yes. If you don't want to, then better say something," grabbing her hand and slipping the ring onto her finger. "I guess you really do want to marry me," he teased and lifted her chin up to make her look at him.

"I guess I do," she displayed a tiny smirk on her face as she also played along with his teasing. "I must really hate you," she blossom a beautiful smile. It was breathtaking as it took Leo's breath away. It struck his heart with a strong yet gentle warmth as it lit up the atmosphere. Her smile was like a beautiful flower blooming in spring. He didn't understand, he was already in love with her so was it possible to fall in love with her again? He just smiled and reached out to touch her cheek before using his thumb to rub her beautiful smile. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him in curiosity before he leaned down to kiss her lips. It didn't take long before it became a deep passionate kiss, leaving a sweet taste in their mouth.

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