Chapter 13

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Faye was walking to her flower shop; she overheard a young tall muscular man with black hair talking on the phone a bit loudly with slight frustration in his voice.

"Please, Tom, can't you find any way to let me meet with him. Fine, can you at least show him my paperwork?" the young man asked and bumped into someone as the papers in his hand spilled. Faye picked up one piece of the paper and saw his name was written at the top of the sheet as it was his resume.

"Robert Long...," Faye said to herself as she began to recall the past. She had heard of that name somewhere. Faye once again looked down at the resume and read that he was also a tea sommelier and remembered. In her previous life, he was a well-known tea sommelier who created the tastiest and most refreshing tea ever made as everyone wanted to learn what the ingredients were, he used to recreate it for themselves, but he never exposed it. He was at the age of 36 when he obtained his own business and created his tea. He has been trying to find anyone who will invest in his tea, but no one found interest in him as they thought he had too much ambition and lack of experience. So, he worked extra hard to obtain money to buy his own business as he also went out and tried to find any business to invest in. However, when his business was going so well, he had a car accident and died young as no one could find his recipe to recreate his famous tea, which led his business to completely shut down. His effort had died in vain.

"Excuse me, young lady, but can I have my resume back?" the young man said.

Instead of handing it back to him, she re-looked at his resume and said, "It seems like you are looking for a job? Would you like to work for me? I can help you invest in your project."

He was surprised that she knew about his project. "You eavesdropped on me when I was on the phone!" he said, upset.

She shrugs her shoulders, "It's not my fault who told you to talk so loudly. Well, I'm in a rush. Here's my card. Call if you are interested. I can help you with the exchange of labor," she finished. She placed his resume and her card in his hand before walking away. He watches the mature young lady leave and read what the card said before pondering. 

She entered the elegant flower shop, "Hi, Linda. Did you receive the shipment?"    

"OH, Faye, welcome back. Yes, I received the shipment. They are so beautiful. Did you find them on your trip?" A 24-year-old woman in a blue apron behind the cash register said,

Faye smiles and replies, "Yeah," and she continues, "So how were the sales?"

"Yes, tons of consumers came by, and businesses ordered large amounts of flowers for events," Linda reported. Faye nodded while looking at the transcripts on the register.

"Alright, do you need more flowers?" Faye asks.

"Yes, we are low on red roses and lilies, but don't worry, I already contacted Andrea," Linda said.

"Okay, good. Well, I should be heading there, but contact any of us if you need anything," Faye said.

"Mmm," Linda responded and nodded her head before Faye left the shop.

Once she stepped outside, she sighed before saying, "I should have asked one of them to drop my car at the airport, so I didn't have to walk everywhere," she complained to herself. She flagged a taxi and headed to her small private business.

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