SS: The Missing Past Part 2

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Leo arrived at the park as Dave pulled the car to the side. Leo watched from inside the car to see the little boy looking around and then at the bodyguards before making a run for it. Leo's eyes widened as he opened the door. He hurried to chase after him before the bodyguards noticed the little boy missing and their boss appearing out of the blue.

"Sir, we are sorry...," they tried to say, but Leo was too busy looking for the little boy. He hurried in the direction the little boy went. Leo finally slowed down once he spotted the little boy sitting beside a woman on the bench beside the massive water fountain.

"Sir," the bodyguards said behind him. Leo hushed them as they watched the little boy and woman talk and smile. Leo was stunned by her mesmerizing smile.

"Who is that lady? Do a background check on her," Leo ordered them as one of them nodded their head and went to get the job done. Leo stood there, watching them until he noticed them getting up and ready to part ways as he disappeared back into the car.

"Okay, I'll see you here again tomorrow," Faye said with a smile and waved goodbye to the little boy as he hurried back to the bodyguards. She watched the boy for a while before heading to the market again. She wanted to prepare dinner for Parker again since he said he was coming home today. On her way to the market, she bumped into someone. "Sorry," Faye said as an act of manners while the other person did it too. Before they carried on their way, Faye overheard a woman's conversation on the phone as she was passing them.

"Yes, John. Dave and I will be coming, but he may be late though. Oh, are Andrea and Austin coming too?" Eve said, carrying on her way to her destination while Faye proceeded as well.

Today, Parker finally arrived home but didn't eat dinner as he went straight to bed, leaving Faye to eat by herself and then to bed.


The next day, Faye went a little early to meet up with the little boy as she walked there again to help get more fresh air and strengthen her legs. On her way to the park, she saw a skinny stray golden retriever laying on the ground as if he was hungry. Faye then turned around and went to the convenience store to buy some dog treats.

"Hi little fella," Faye said softly, squatting in front of him. The golden retriever was about to get up and run off. "It's okay. I won't hurt you. I just wanted to give you some treats," she said, showing a treat in her hand to him. The golden retriever hesitated for a minute before sniffing her hand and taking the treat in his mouth. "That's a good boy," Faye said, quietly and softly petting his head. "Do you want more?" she said, pulling out more treats for him to eat. Once she gave him all the treats she bought for him, she got up to leave, but he also looked like he was ready. She patted his head and walked to the park as he followed her. She stopped and turned to see him following her. "Do you want me to take you home? I would like to have someone to talk to," she said with a smile as he wagged his tail in agreement. "Okay, let's go," she said as the golden retriever followed her.

Once they reached the water fountain, she sat on the bench with the golden retriever sitting beside her feet, waiting for the little boy to arrive.

"I'm here!" the little boy shouted as he ran to meet her. He slowed down as he stared at the golden retriever. "Is that your dog?" he asked, being cautious.

"Kind of. I just met him today. He is a friendly dog, so you don't have to be scared," Faye said.

"Then... can I pet him," he asked. "Sure, of course. Just let him smell your hand first," Faye said, showing him.

"Aww, it's such a cute dog!" the little boy said, super happy. "Do you want to play with me?" the little boy said to the dog as he was petting the dog while the dog wagged his tail. All three of them played as Leo was watching them from afar again.

"Leo, are you ready to go?" Dave asked. "Not yet," Leo said as they left after an hour.

After Leo left, Faye asked, "I think it's time for you to go back, or your daddy will be worried. You told them, right?"

"Ah... yes," he lied as he ran away again when they weren't looking, even though they were faking it.

"Okay," Faye said, looking at him suspiciously. "But it's getting late, so you should head back home," Faye said.

"But I still want to play," he said, hugging the dog's neck as he was refusing to leave. She stared at both of them as they were so attached to each other. It made it hard for her to say no.

"How about this? You take the dog and keep him for me. So you can play with him all the time. How's that?" Faye said.

"Really! I can have him!" the little boy said. "Of course, but ask your daddy first. If he said no, then bring him back to me tomorrow, okay? So you can play with him when you meet me," Faye said.

"Okay!" The little boy's face lit up and was ready to go home and ask his daddy.

Once the little boy arrived home with a golden retriever, he went to find his daddy, who had just arrived not too long ago. "D-dad... Can I keep this dog?" the little boy asked.

Leo looked at his son and the dog he saw today. He saw how eager the boy wanted to keep this dog. "Alright," Leo answered.

"Thank you, dad!" the little boy smiled at him before running to hug the dog. "Let's go give you a bath," the boy said. Leo watched his son go up the stairs as he was still shocked by his son smiling at him.

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