Chapter 6

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Faye was watering the flowers with Ming as her grandmother was sitting under the gazebo, watching Faye smiling and talking to Ming. Her grandmother's bright smile tones down as she has to face the paper that was underneath her hand. Her grandmother started writing something down on the piece of paper as she didn't notice Faye coming toward her. "What are you doing?" Faye said, carrying Ming in her arms.

"Oh! Nothing..." her grandmother said, startled, and quickly hid the paper in her clothes.

"What was that?" Faye said before sitting down with Ming in her lap.

"Oh, nothing," Her grandmother said, smiling nervously. "Oh, look at Ming, He's all dirty, you should give him a bath," her grandmother quickly persisted. 

"Yeah, this little guy is such a troublemaker," she said and lifted up the dusty and dirty pup. "Okay, little guy, let's go give you a bath," she talks to Ming before getting up. "Alright, grandma, I'll be right back to cook dinner, "she said as her grandmother nodded her head and waved her hand. Faye disappeared as she entered the house, and her grandmother hollered, "Don't worry about me, I'll be coming in a bit." before she pulled out the piece of paper. It reads "Anna Grey's Will".

"Grandma, can you help me?" hollered Faye from the house.

"Ah, yes. Coming," her grandmother said and tucked the paper back into her pocket. Her grandmother knows if Faye finds out about this, she will be upset, but her grandma knows she won't be living long and can feel her time is slipping.

As days go by, Faye and her grandmother, along with Ming, enjoy their lovely, pleasant days with each other. Each day they spend their time with one another, they laugh and connect, and nothing could ever make Faye as happy as she could be right now until one day on the news.

"Breaking news, Parker Richard, one of the most well-known bachelors of the business industry was caught seen with a woman. We couldn't identify who, but we know it wasn't his fiance. Sadly, we will never know who it was, but is this telling us that Faye Davidson and Parker Richard are no longer in a relationship? I'm not sure if this is sad news, but ladies, Parker Richard may be single," a news anchor reported on the tv.

"Ugh, he is not that good looking," her grandmother snorted rhetorically before shutting the tv off. "Can't the news have anything better to talk about? Always talking about them," she said bitterly.

Faye stood there, staring at the black screen as the image of Parker in a car with a woman was stuck in her mind, as she knew it was Rin. Faye didn't say anything but left the house. She walked as far away as she could. She couldn't bear all the memories flooding back as she wanted them to disappear. Then barking noises were following her. She turned to see a bright golden pup running against the tall green grass. And, all the memories vanish. "Mingy..." she said quietly.

In the midst of the grass, Faye was lying down with Ming beside her as his ear was down as if he was worried. "Mingy, what should I do? Should I go back and get revenge?" she said with hatred. She remembers them leaving her to die in the darkroom. She could still hear it, "My poor cousin..." Ming whimpered and nuzzled his nose in her fist, as she didn't even realize that she had dug her nail in her palm and started to bleed.

A voice appeared, "let it go." Faye sat up and turned back to see her grandmother making her way with a scarf. Her grandma wrapped the scarf around Faye before sitting beside her. "What could you possibly do that makes them suffer as much as they did to you. You are only 15. When you finally reach the age where you can make them suffer, is it worth it to have your entire life, hating and only trying to plot against them? While they are carefree, not knowing what the big deal is until that moment you make them realize it, and that feeling could last them for a second or forever. Are you willing to risk your life and happiness to seek revenge when you could have enjoyed your life with yourself," her grandmother asked?

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