Chapter 6

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The trio stopped and suddenly they looked behind to see if someone was following them. But as they turned with torches lit in their hands. They couldn't see anyone, not a single soul. So they again started walking along to their path when the same crackling sound hit them, and this time it was loud like some footsteps coming towards them.
Now they were seriously getting bothered and looked behind to see whoever was there, the person surely wanted to play some ridiculous prank on them.
But they saw someone, someone standing from afar, he was too standing in a distance and they couldn't make out who he was or what he was doing as the person just stood still in a spot.

Theo tried walking towards the man but Kyle grabbed him by his jacket and pulled him back. As it was odd why a man decided to follow them in the middle of the night, and why he was just standing in a spot and not moving. It was all really strange and the nerve racking feeling sent shivers down their spines.
Kyle decided to ask whoever he was, what he was doing there and why was he following them but cane no response from The Man. They were starting to get tricky and sweaty as they couldn't fathom what to do. Run for their lives or just fight that bastard who was trying to scare them.
Brandon and Theo had a firm grip on their baseball bats. Kyle stood in-front of them.
As the man was not saying anything in return and just standing. They didn't know what he was doing here, why in the middle of the night is this man following them?
Brandon had had enough and started shouting at the person.
"Heyy! If its some sick prank you're pulling on us man, its not gonna work!"
Kyle told him to shut up but he kept going on and didn't listen.
And thats when the situation got worse.
The man was now taking really slow footsteps towards them. The trio looked agitated and Brandon had finally shut his mouth. They decided to take slow steps back but Theo stood his ground and wanted to fight.
As the man got a little closer, they tried to make out what he was wearing. the man was covered in pitch black cloak which even hid his face. He looked like a face of a devil. Dressed in all black, they weren't able to see anything other than the black cloak that covered him. He had something large in his right hand something like a hammer, a sledgehammer. The man was really tall and he was built like a freaking dinosaur.
The trio frightened and panic in their eyes started back paddling and wanted to just run for their lives and forgetting about their defensive strategies.
The man was now not taking slow steps, his feet were now speeding towards them and thats when finally Kyle was the who panicked and caught them from their jackets and gave the signal to RUN. Run like their lives depended on it, and they dashed their way into the woods.
The trio was running so fast that they had split up. Everyone was now on their own. They were running what felt like miles and had now been broken up.

Kyle while running decided to stop and look around with his shaky breath to find if someone was there or following him. He looked for Theo and Brandon but they were no where to be seen. He again started rapid footsteps but their was no living soul in sight. He took out his phone to check but due to being so far away from home and deep into a forest, his phone wasn't picking up any signals. And he was sweating from terror.
His friends were no where to be seen, he was now all alone and with a crazy man trying to chasing them.

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