Chapter 15

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As David Rodgers was brought in the CPD interrogation room to be questioned by the two detectives Andrews and Grant.  He sat in the chair and in-front of him stood the two men with some papers in their hands mostly files.

David Rodgers was a huge man. A very hefty and large in built. He wore a dark brown baggy jacket and a blue muddy jeans. He wore a baseball cap and had grey eyes. He had horrendous looking teeth and looked rather horrid from his physique.

The two detectives had stopped looking at the files when suddenly Rodgers decided to speak with a deep and sharp tone.
"Is there a reason why ya'll had brought me in this shithole again?"
"We just want you to answer some questions for us." Andrews replied.
"Whatever, I ain't gonna tell some long story about how i saved the Parkinson's kid."
"Just answer the damn questions and we'll leave you in peace." Grant said in a strict voice.
"Just get on with it I need to get to ma home soon."
"Well I think your wife can wait." Grant replied.
"To ma mama, I ain't got a damn wife." Rodgers said sending a glare at Grant.
"Okay, so Mr. Rodgers basics here, how did you come across Kyle Parkinson in the woods?" Andrews questioned.
"Well The police had ordered me to guard the place after the girl Avery was found dead in the woods. I guarded the place to see if some douchebags would come running around this place again after what had happened. I didn't know some idiots would actually come to that place.-
"But if the police ordered you to guard the woods where were you in the first place?" Grant questioned.
"I told them I work in the Rockhill bar around the corner at weekends. I got out late that's why I couldn't be there before." Rodgers replied in a dark tone.
"I thought about goin home from work but I decided to go have a look at the place to see if some strange thing was goin on there. The woods ain't that far from the place I work so I got there in some time. I parked ma truck and as I went walkin along I came across some torches on the ground and a small truck parked right in the corner of the place. I didn't know whether i should call the police or just look for myself. So i walked along to see if some dumb kids were playin a prank on me. And thats when I saw a boy lyin on the ground against a tree, from what it looked like, he was probably dyin from the cold and he was shakin badly. So that's when I took him in my truck and alerted the damn cops. And well,  from that ya'll know the whole story." Rodgers said as he finished telling the whole story.
"You said you work at the Rockhill bar?" Andrews asked in a calm tone.
"Yeah." "So, you're a bartender there?"
"Yeah somethin like that."
"And you said there is some other work you do?"
"Yeah I work at Billy's as a waiter, hardly make any money from there so I go to the bar at the weekends. Just some scrapes nothin much."
"Mr Rodgers can I ask which time you left the bar?"
"Is it important?" Rodgers said looking too calm from his posture.
"Just answer the damn question." Grant was furious from Rodgers blunt attitude now.
"It was about 12 a guess, I hardly keep track of time."
"And you said the forest isn't far from where you work so in how many hours did you find the kid?" Andrews asked.
"What do you mean?" From the look of it Rodgers was now nervous. Very nervous.
"Well it says here the kid was found at 2 in the morning which means you found him at that time and decided to take him to the hospital and alert the police. So you must've gotten there in like 20 minutes or less from the time span you're telling us."
"I told you I hardly keep track of my time, It was late when I got out." Rodgers retorted
"Don't play games here friend, you told us you got out at 12 at night. And bars close at 12 these times, so don't lie to us okay?" Grant said spitting on his face.
"Yeah i said that i got out at 12-
"And you said the forest isn't far from where you work- "yeah i know thatt!!."  "So i hardly believe it took you 2 whole hours to find the kid when you yourself said you found him in a short time when you reached the place." Andrews was now throwing questions at him that he didn't know the answers of.
"It took me some time to reach the place for God's sakes. Why ya'll pushin this?"
"We are not pushing anything as you are well aware this is a investigation on a murder case."
"Yeah i know that thankyou!"
"So as I said you must have alot of time on your hands when you reached the place what did you do next?" Andrews said while clicking his pen which was now irritating Rodgers.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? I DIDN'T KILL NO KIDS." Rodgers shouted at them while slamming his hands on the desk.

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