Chapter 20: EVIDENCE

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"WHATT?" All four of them shouted the same time when suddenly the library teacher told them to hush up.
"Lower your voices for God's sakes." Theo said as he directed them to just calm down and hear him out first.
"What? What do you mean?" He..he is dead?" Frank asked really worried and frightened from what he heard. " can't be" Stacey replied almost looking with watery eyes.
"Would you guys just calm down for one second? I'm telling the truth. It's all over school by now." Theo told them.
"But-that's impossible, how..why?" Kyle asked with the same weary look on his face.
"Just relax and hear me out okay." Theo told the four and directed them to stay calm.
"Tell us now." The four ordered him. And Theo told them. He told them how he saw a crying girl in his class earlier and some boys and girls around her comforting her, Theo had no idea what had happened until he heard the word "murder". His face was alarmed and shocked and he had no choice but to go towards the girl and ask her himself.

She told him how the police when had heard that Grant hadn't arrived at the station to work today and was not receiving any calls from anyone. They hastily went towards his house to check on him to see if he was okay. They found him. They found him dead on his own bed, reports said he was stabbed to death. There was blood all over his mattress and sheets. He was definitely stabbed about a hundred times before he died. There seemed to be no signs of drugging or poisoning. Nothing, just that he was stabbed really badly in the stomach. It was all really gruesome and ghastly. He looked horrifying lying dead on his own bed.

After Theo told them what he had heard from the girl and now it would be being reported on the news by now. Their faces were nothing but horrid, sweaty from hearing what had happened to such a charming, skilled and honourable detective of the CCPD and now of the CPD. It was tragic and mortifying.
"Oh my God! This is insane." Stacey said them in a low voice trying to refrain herself from crying because she definitely liked Detective Grant and now him being found dead in such horrible circumstances brought tears to her eyes.
"This is.. umm.. I have no idea. Wha- what do you guys think?" Frank asked the other four. But Alicia and Kyle were really quiet from hearing the story ofcourse they were devastated from his death but something kept ticking in their brains and then Kyle spoke in a calm tone.
"Well, the pieces are finally coming together aren't they." He said. "What do you mean?" Stacey asked him in concern. "Yeah, what is that supposed to mean?" Frank followed.
"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Alicia said standing up from her chair now looking really excited. "He's right! Everything is falling into place now!" She told the four while running fingers through her hair in excitement and bewilderment.
"Can someone-" Frank was cut off by her again.
"I knew it! I knew it, you guys didn't believe me."
"Hey! I'm the one who should be getting the credits here miss!" Theo said to her looking really annoyed.
"Oh My God! It's him! It's been him all along!" Now Stacey had followed all four and she was now looking with the same anticipation as Alicia.
"I can't believe it. Holy Crap!" Kyle said now also rising from his seat and walking here and there.
"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Frank now ordered all of them looking really irritated from what his friends kept saying.
"Don't you get it Frank? It's him." Kyle told him and immense excitement.
"Who?" Frank asked not getting a clue what he meant.
"Andrews. Detective Andrews. It's been him all along." Kyle answered him.
"What? Wait.. what? Why?" Frank asked with a puzzled face.
"Hey Walker think about it! Theo said to him. "He left his old police department right the minute he got back from being an undercover agent for the Mafia. No one even knows what happened to him while his time there. But i'm certain he was not the same since he got back from there and decided to take a break from the place."
"And that's when he came to live here, in Castleville." Alicia continued. "Because he needed a small town, a small peaceful town no one knows of."
"A town where he could plan his future killings." Theo replied.
"Aren't we looking a little too much into this?" Frank asked them not cooperating with any of his friends.
"Frank I know it's bit of a reach but it is the truth. He worked in the Mafia for like a year. And i bet he came out as a wreck. And not to mention his past argument with Grant. He shouted at the man just because he didn't bring in some files. I'm pretty sure he was pissed that DC Holloway took Grant's side and sent him home to rest. Andrews really did look like an odd man if i'm telling you." Kyle answered him.
"Yeah exactly! And he chose this town. This town to carry out his plan. And a perfect disguise. 'The CCPD's best detective to this day'. Told you guys." Theo added his piece of information.
"Yeah okay! Guys the theory is amazing. But that still doesn't add up to the fact that he would start taking people's lives and drugging them." Frank told the crew.
"Yeah Frank's right! Even if we are right which we are. We need proof. Solid proof." Stacey told them.
"But guys! He has worked with the Mafia right. He probably knows all the ways to get out unidentified right?" Alicia replied.
"Yeah! and i bet he came to Castleville to be away from his old colleagues so that no one would suspect him at all." Kyle joined in.
"Yeah so he could get successful, but not too successful until his old friend came along. Grant." Alicia added in the conversation.
"That man definitely didn't like the fact that someone came would come in and jeopardise his plan so he had to get rid of him somehow." Theo joined in.
"Guys! Now that I remember my dad told me that Grant had a talk with him the other day about something but he didn't tell me what. I knew from his face that it didn't had to do anything about the case. What if.. what if Grant told him something about Andrews, something no one knows of." Alicia told the gang.
"Detective Grant was suspicious of him. I'm telling you. It had to be something to do with him." Stacey added.
"Guys! I totally agree with you one hundred percent but their seems to be one tiny problem here. We don't have the evidence!" Frank replied in irritated voice.

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