Chapter 10:

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School had started and Kyle decided to go even after being the talk around town on how he miraculously survived the attack from The Man in the woods.
The students would stare at him strangely and send him evil glares wherever he went. They didn't talk to him or even sat with him in any class. After being completely ignored by the society and his only friend he hd grown pleasant with his own company. No one to disturb him when he was studying. Everything felt peaceful and was in state of complete tranquility of the ignorant gossip from the town.

Whereas Theo Jones seemed to be enjoying being surrounded by large crowd of students everywhere he went. He was always asked how he survived the the attack in the woods and later being comatose. He was rather busy with himself enjoying his fame and popularity. He didn't feel agitated or uncomfortable with people stopping and hugging him, on the contrary he was enjoying every bit of it and he ignored Kyle completely when he was there. They hd couple of classes together but he avoided him like they barely knew each other. Kyle didn't mind as he knew that Theo might come along.

As Kyle was sitting in the school library as it was the only place people didn't bother him with their ugly stares.
When a certain red haired girl approached him with two other friends of hers. A girl with glasses and dark hair and a boy will dark blonde hair and wearing batman t-shirt. They took their seats near him. Kyle didn't know what was going on and why all of a sudden some fellows were interested in sitting next to him. By the look of them he could tell they were new kids. Freshmen.

The red haired girl introduced herself to him.
"Hi, um- well i'm Alicia, Alicia Johnson. You must be Kyle right?"
Kyle was just staring at the girl when he suddenly decided to speak. "Um- yeah, yeah i'm Kyle. Nice to meet you Alicia."
"Great, these are my friends. This is Stacey (gesturing to the girl with glasses) and this is Frank (gesturing to the boy wearing a Batman t-shirt."
They all shook hands with Kyle awkwardly.
"Oh you must be the new guys right?" He asked
"Freshmen." Stacey corrected him.
"We just started our school year." Alicia added.
"Oh." Kyle returned.
He didn't know what else to say to get the conversation going and they were all sitting awkwardly in their seats. When Stacey decided to break the silence.
"You were the one who survived the Man in the Black Cloak right?" Its been all over the news."
Kyle didn't say anything as he didn't know what to reply to the girl's question. He said.
"Yeah- well yeah. I was the one who survived. You can put it that way." He said with an awkward smile.
Stacey managed to speak again.
"We're quite sorry about your friend Brandon, he looked like a sweet boy. You must miss him."
Alicia was giving her stares and indicating that she should shut up for God's sakes.

Kyle didn't say anything he just nodded as he didn't want to be daily reminded of his Friend's passing.
Frank spoke finally. "Sorry man, we'll leave you alone. Didn't mean to bother you that's all." They all had hung their bags on their shoulders and were rising from their seats when Kyle spoke.
"No, its okay. Really it is. You guys can sit its really fine." Kyle didn't want to sound rude and blunt.
And the trio did as he said and took out there books and sat next to him.

It was lunch break and Kyle took the farthest most seat from the crowd to be away from the lame gossip that mentioned him. He was sitting eating his lunch and reading a book when the same students that had met him in the library decided to join him again. Without saying anything they took their seats near him and sat down while Kyle studied them.
"Are you guys following me or something?" He said sarcastically.
"Oh no, no, we just- well we always see you sitting alone at lunch so we decided to join you today. If its fine by you." Alicia said with a smile.
Frank again added trying to be too polite.
"We can leave you know, if you feel like sitting alone."
Kyle said suddenly. "No no man, it's really okay if you guys join me actually. But just to be clear i'm not sad about eating alone you know. The lonesome thing is kinda taking over me." He then added.
"But i really appreciate that you guys cared actually. Thanks." He said with a slight smile on his face.

He really was always alone and didn't have anyone left to talk to, it did quite put a smile on his face that someone cared for him.

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