Chapter 12:

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Some quite days went by and Kyle had found some new friends. He had befriended the kids he first met at the library. The red haired Alicia Johnson, the bookish one Stacey Abrams and the obsessive superhero movie fan Frank Walker.

They talked and discussed homework at the library and sometimes in the cafeteria. Kyle helped them alot with their homework. They also were quite lucky in finding a studious and thoughtful person like Kyle. He didn't know if anyone wanted to be friends with him over the past few days the way he was treated by some students.
He got traumatising messages from unknown people telling him that it should've been him instead of Brandon. He was also bullied by boys twice his size.
Kyle had never been bullied because Brandon and Theo always had his back and no one even dared to make fun of him. But Brandon being gone and Theo being an ignorant piece of crap, he had no-one. Until his new friends came along.

The next few days were better and fortunately hopeful. He didn't get the unusual stares he got whenever he passed anyone, people had finally topped talking behind his back which was definitely a relief.

As Kyle and his friends were sitting in the cafeteria talking and discussing some books and movies. Someone had approached him from behind. Kyle didn't know that someone was standing behind him until Alicia gave him a certain indication. Kyle turned to face the person standing and found who the person was. It was Theo, Theo Jones. Standing with hands balled into fists and face completely red from anger. But Kyle looked rather calm showing him no signs that why his old friend has suddenly taken interest in speaking to him after months.
Theo finally spoke.
"So, looks like you've been rather enjoying yourself with these new- um what should I call them? Friends? He said hatefully mocking his companions.
"Yeah well they ARE my friends." Kyle said with a calming tone.
"You're joking right? What- you really friends with these miserable human beings?" He said with a slight chuckle as his tone was filled with mockery.
"Ironic how you're calling my friends miserable when you look like you've been throwing up for the past weeks." Kyle said in a serene and calm voice that made Theo more frustrated. And he definitely heard some kids chuckling from behind them because of his comment.
"You really shouldn't push my now Kyle. I think everyone knows who the tough one is here." Theo added.
"No one's pushing anyone right now, it was you who decided to barge in and insult my friends." Kyle returned
Theo: "what you're really calling them your friends? What you've known each other for like a day or two?"
"Theo i think you should go pick on someone else, you're wasting your energy here mate." Kyle could not stand while Theo kept on insulting his friends.
"So what you just forgot about me huh? Have you even told your new associates that it was me and our dead friend Brandon who saved your backs every time?" Theo was shouting now and his voice was echoing through the whole school.
All the faces had been turned to them, everyone was listening to their heated conversation really discreetly.
Kyle abruptly rose from his seat and was face to face with Theo and he spoke. "It's best you leave me and my friends alone Theo." He told him in a sharp voice. And turned from him and walked away. As he was walking Theo was barking from behind and hadn't shut up from their early conversation as he was trying really hard to push Kyle over the edge with his words. And he succeeded with his last words he shouted that made people's eardrums shatter and ringing from what he had said.
"IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU!" His voice was now breaking and shaking from anger and rage and his words had left everyone shook and glued to one spot. Kyle stopped for a second at his words.
"IT SHOULD'VE BEEN YOUU! NOT BRANDON. HE DIDN'T DESERVE THE PAIN." His voice shattering his confidence now.
"He didn't deserve any of that, but you do. Because you are a coward Kyle Parkinson. A COWARD!" From the way he was speaking it looked like he was crying from the rage and fury boiling in him.

Kyle didn't leave or walk away now. He stood there and then turned around with watery eyes and looked at his friend's face. He then spoke.
"You think I don't hate myself more for Brandon's death? What you think what you just said would make me weak? You think i didn't hear those exact words coming out of their mouths before. (He said gesturing to the crowd that has now multiplied)
You think i didn't get people telling me to go kill myself because I didn't end up like Brandon or in a coma like you, Theo?"
Theo was standing enraged when he decided to speak and was cut off by Kyle. "You talk about abandoning our friendship when it was you who decided to end any living contact we had."
"I didn't end any contact, don't be so naive Kyle. Its called coping, or hadn't you heard that my best friend was killed."
"HE WAS MY FRIEND TOO!" Kyle called him out.
"He was my friend too so don't you dare act like I don't care about him when I spent months trying to find the man who did that to him. You weren't there!"
"Oh yeah, I WAS IN A COMA FOR GETTING MY HEAD CUT OPEN!" Theo was reaching now and Kyle was now infuriated from his actions.
"You know what Theo I thought you would get better and probably sane from our last incident when you wake up, but i was definitely wrong, you just got a whole lot crappier rather then getting better. I'm sorry my friend."

"What you want me to be happy because the person who killed our friend is still on the lose?"

"I NEVER SAID THAT! but you could show some courtesy to your old friends rather then completely throwing them into oblivion!"

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now." Theo returned rather annoyed now.
"Why? Because you're a self centred and a egoistic brat?" Kyle didn't know he was losing his temper.
And then suddenly another voice hit their ears.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" And there she was, their school's Headmistress. Headmistress Huwett.

"Nothing." Theo said in a low voice.
Kyle didn't know what had happened, how 2 teachers and their Headmistress was standing there looking like they were ready to get them suspended or worse expelled because of their raging argument.
"To my office you two, NOW!"

I really wanted to get a showdown between Theo and Kyle, lol. 😎🤫
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