Chapter 16

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"So are we anywhere with the drug? Tell me the whole town doesn't know about it right?" DC Holloway asked the two detectives also followed by Detective Bill Johnson. They were all in his office with files and reports of the new murder case in their hands.
"Sir, we've tried locating some potential buyers and dealers from across town but the problem is no one in this town even knows this drug existed." Grant answered his DC.
"But it's impossible, someone must be familiar with it, someone here must be buying it from someone." Holloway replied.
Grant: "Or the dealer is getting it smuggled into some disguise, that could only be the answer."
"Yeah looking at the fact that out killer is a mastermind in his attempts, disguise is the easiest task for him." Holloway stated.
"But a poisonous drug like this just doesn't wander in the streets sir." Andrews spoke standing in the corner of the room with hands crossed on his chest.
"We're definitely looking at someone who has great contacts with the manufacturers of this drug or had." Grant replied to his companion.
"Or he is probably cooking it up in his secret hiding place I bet." Bill Johnson decided to speak in the matter.
"But that is impossible, this drug is hazardous and extremely toxic, you can't just cook thing like that in your home." Andrews replied
Bill Johnson: "But as you said Andrews, drug like that can't just wander into the streets. Either someone trained is getting it smuggled or he probably knows the recipe of it."
"Don't be thick Johnson! People don't cook drugs in their homes, the fumes can kill you. It's most likely being manufactured in a highly secure place outside the country." Grant retorted at Johnson.
"Yeah running by trained Mafia leaders who would use it on their victims." Holloway returned.
"Detective Andrews, i know you don't want to be reminded of your days as an undercover agent for the Mafia, but have you come across anything resembling this drug?" Holloway asked the detective.
And suddenly Andrews looked like he was reminded of the worst days of his life. Everyone knew he loathed his time as an undercover agent for the Chicago Police Department almost a year ago.
He decided to speak. "I don't take offence in my past doings sir, but as far as I remember I wasn't allowed on such elite missions in my time as undercover. As my captain wanted me to just earn their trust and find out about their dirt. I was merely a sideman for the corrupt leaders out there. I had to be strictly alert as my actions were being closely watched by the superiors there. I had to be vigilant, one misstep and I would be presented in a body bag to my Captain." He was talking rather slowly and pacing around the room.
"But I had the opportunity to earn their trust fortunately. I was quite successful in my mission but in all my 8 months of being in that shithole. I've never come across anything even remotely resembling to this thing. Ever. There were drugs, filthy ones but nothing like that, this is beyond my expectations." Andrews answer had everyone glued to their chairs. It was true his time had changed him alot over the past year, but he was right. No one had seen this drug in their whole existence.
"I totally understand your statement. I know it was a hard time for you there." Holloway replied in a gentle tone to the detective.
Andrews didn't say anything he just nodded his head and went back to his standing position across the room.
"So this drug we are calling it Chromatica. You two keep looking at it until we find a direct source." Holloway commanded the two men.
"We'll do our best but first we need to pay a little visit to David Rodgers." Grant said rising from his seat.
"Oh yes, you two do that, find anything suspicious about the man?" Holloway asked.
"Not much-
"Are you kidding me! He was babbling like a freaking lunatic, I'm telling you sir, that man has secrets. We just need him to let them out." Grant replied abruptly.
"Yes and I do apologise for the lack of efforts by Detective Johnson here and how he didn't bother to question him properly. But I hope you two will find something regarding the case." Holloway spoke.
"Thankyou sir! We will." Grant said smirking at Johnson loving that he was being embarrassed infront of them."
The two men made their way to David Rodgers house. They had to be sure he wasn't there in order to search his house without him being present.

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