First Bonds and a Lost Lightsaber

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A/N: here's a small chapter as promised! Featuring Padawan Anakin and very smol Ahsoka 🥰🥰

A Few Years Ago:

"Anakin! We need to go!" Obi-Wan Kenobi called out, patience thinning dangerously. He'd brought his Padawan into the youngling facilities to his observe and give suggestions, not bond with them. Plus, it was very much unlike Anakin to form a bond with a youngling so quickly; normally he despised them and their irritating, clingy personalities — especially since they all had a habit of sticking to any and everyone who went near them.

Either the young Skywalker hadn't heard Kenobi calling him, or he was purposefully ignoring his Master- again. Obi-Wan thought the latter.


Ten-year-old Anakin huffed loudly in exasperation. "What, Master?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"We need to get going. Now," Obi-Wan said sternly, emphasizing the last word.

Seeing as there was no way to avoid staying any longer, the Padawan turned around and hugged the youngling tightly, forehead buried in the small valley between what seemed to be montrals.

"See you later, Ahsoka," he murmured as he unravelled his arms from the young Togruta, albeit unwillingly, who was barely six years old.

"Buh-bye An'kin!" the Togrutan Jedi-to-be called out as she stood on her tippy-toes, frantically waving her small hand at Anakin's retreating figure.


Present Day:

"Master," thirteen-year-old Anakin Skywalker whined in annoyance, "I can't seem to find my lightsaber! I've looked everywhere!"

"You just had it a minute ago, I just saw it on the dining table. Where could it have gone? Lightsabers don't grow legs and run away on their own, you should know that by now," Obi-Wan retorted, half teasing a sullen Anakin, who could currently be found in a corner, sulking.

"Right now is not the time for jokes, Master!" He yelled in frustration, stomping his foot down. He'd had enough.


Before Obi-Wan could reply, however, a giggle could be heard from the other room. That room, was Ahsoka's room. She'd already been personally selected by Anakin as his Padawan-to-be, when she became of age. The two of them were absolutely inseparable, they were like siblings. The Jedi Master now knew why exactly his apprentice had formed a Force bond with this particular student so early-on; they were a perfect match. Anakin was well-known in the Order not only as The Chosen One, but also for his tremendous lightsaber skills. Yet, he didn't think much before acting, something that was constantly frowned upon by many of the Knights and Masters in the Order. Ahsoka, on the other hand, was just as good at lightsaber combat, however, she possessed the ability to use her brain for more than just duelling. Her wit and strength in the Force evened out Anakin's brash movements and often times, his inability to think straight.

Obi-Wan heard the tinkling laugh coming from Ahsoka's room. That's my cue! He thought as he saw his apprentice's suspicious gaze narrow at the Togruta's closed door.

"Anakin, look over here!" Kenobi shouted, having moved into a corner of the quarters farthest away from the exit. "I think I may have found it!"

"My lightsaber!" The Skywalker exclaimed as he rushed over to where Obi-Wan was currently sitting- only to find out it had been a trick. Nothing was there.

"What the kriff, Master Kenobi?" Anakin swore, his eyes glinting dangerously. As he stalked towards the older man, Ahsoka's door suddenly flung open, revealing none other than the lightsaber thief herself, stolen weapon in hand, making momentary eye-contact with him before bolting to the door.

"Blast it, Ahsoka!" Anakin yelled, exasperation overflowing as he rushed outside to chase the runaway thief. He didn't expect that his own Master had also been in on it. Obi-Wan leapt up from his seat on the couch and ran after the Togruta. "Right behind you Ahsoka! I'm here for support!"

"WHAT THE HELL, OBI-WAN?!" Anakin shrieked as a shade of red creeped onto his facial features, utter betrayal painted on his expression plain as day. "YOU WERE IN ON THIS TOO?"

He got no response from either Jedi as they left him with no choice but to chase them across the Temple.

"Screw the both of you!" Were his only words before he took off.

A/N: damn! Two updates in a day?? That is unheard of! Anyways, here is the small update I promised before the 1k surprise chapter! :p
Yeeaaahhh. I forgot to update Redemption again- I should probably go hide before y'all find a way to kill me. *hides*
I hate not keeping my word, I always feel so guilty. Tomorrow! Unless my parents have other plans. Other plans, aka LOTS OF EXTRA HOMEWORK despite it being spring break :(

Anyways! Lemme go see if I can continue working on the Redemption update. I already started it, has a few hundred words already so it shouldn't take too long? Anyways, good day of good night to you and I will see you all in the next update!


- Jazzy

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