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trying a slightly different style this time! hopefully just as effective and fun to read though, enjoy! :D

Whenever her crippling self-doubt returned to haunt her, it would take days, sometimes even a week or more, before she managed to regain her confidence. He witnessed this quite often. He understood, he really did. Being thrown into a war that had nothing to do with her at fourteen, seeing the heavy casualty rate and the costly victories on a daily basis and being expected to maintain outstanding grades on top of that was enough for anyone to break down.

Whenever she broke down around him, he was patient and made sure to soothe her every worry. It was the least he could do, after all. He'd experienced first-hand the toll of the Order's emotional negligence and had resolved long ago that she would never have to go through the same thing. She deserved better.

But there were going to be times when he wouldn't be around to help her. He wouldn't always be there, as much as he wanted to.

So one night, after helping her down from the height of one of her particularly bad episodes, he'd presented her with a pen and piece of paper before she went to bed, instructing her to fill the page with things she liked about herself. He made sure to emphasize that they didn't all have to be significant, because while they may seem irrelevant, the small things mattered too.

She'd initially given him a wary look, unsure where he was going with this, but after some time, she approached him with the completed front side. "Are you proud of it?" He had asked. "Do you agree with what you wrote?"

Truthfully, she was. It had been very difficult to come up with so many things that she liked about herself; chronic self-doubt tended to eat away at her confidence until she had none left. He must've sensed it because he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, pride pulsing gently across their Force bond, telling her to keep it safe in a place where it was readily accessible.

She'd chosen to tuck it into a small pouch on the back of her utility belt. Before she retired for the night, he handed her a piece of folded paper, telling her to open it when the time was right.

"When would the time be right?" she'd inquired.

"You'll know." Was all he'd said in reply.

That night, before she went to bed, he'd held her close, for a little bit longer than usual. "You are loved and appreciated, Ahsoka. You are worthy. Never let anyone convince you otherwise."

It was a good thing he'd chosen to do this activity when he did, because the following day, the Jedi Temple was bombed and their lives were changed forever.

Soon thereafter, Ahsoka was accused of the bombing and expelled from the Order.

A week later, Barriss was tracked down by Skywalker and confessed to everything during the Senate Trial, right before Ahsoka was sentenced to what was almost certain death.

The same day, they gave her an offer — return to the Order, and get Knighted. That same day, she walked away from Anakin's outstretched hand.

Months later, while on her way back to Coruscant with a captured Maul, she'd felt darkness consume the galaxy and Anakin's Light disappear.

It wasn't until she was on the run from the Empire, digging through a box of her old belongings did she find her old utility belt. A certain small pouch in the back called out to her, and from it, she retrieved not one, but two familiar folded pieces of paper from oh-so-long-ago.

In the first, she recognized her own shaky scrawl, and waves of longing crashed through her.

In the second, the writing was different, one she knew to be Anakin's.

"When would the time be right?"

"You'll know."

With trembling fingers, she smoothed out the aging paper.


Before you read this, take a couple of deep breaths with me. In, and out. In, and out. Good job.

Do you remember that list of things I had you write about everything you liked about yourself? I remember you looked at me like I was crazy when I first asked you to do this but I had a reason. Unfortunately, I won't always be there to help ease you out of panic attacks as much as I want to, so let this letter be the part of me that will always be there with you, even if I'm physically not.

I know you're facing difficult times, and sometimes it feels insurmountable. You are resilient, brave, and so much stronger than you think. I've watched you grow since you were a little one eager to prove yourself, and you've faced so many challenges throughout the years that others would've faltered under, but you persevered through each one and stood tall.

Remember that hope is your ally. It's okay to feel scared, to feel overwhelmed. It's what happens in the face of the feelings that make you question everything you know. But you, my brave Padawan, have always risen above, and I know you will continue to.

You are not defined by the battles you fight.

Now, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine I'm right there beside you, because in every way that counts, I am. Hold onto your hope, and let it guide you back to the light. I'll be waiting for you there, proud as always.

Stay strong,
Anakin (Skyguy)

Ahsoka had barely registered the dampness on her cheeks and the teardrops on the paper she now hugged to her chest.

Oh, Anakin.

He had always been so kind, constantly giving and giving until he had nothing left to give, and looked out for his friends until the end.

How she missed him. She would do anything to be at his side once more, to go on one final mission together.

Heartbreaking how one can never truly appreciate what one has until it's gone.


yall should listen to across the stars while you read this because it totally won't make you cry at all- (ik it's meant for anakin and padmé's romance, but anakin loved ahsoka platonically so it works)

ok im leaving now before yall can come at me... randomwriter2007 this hasn't broken our contract  so don't come at me ☹️

comments and votes are appreciated as always, and may the force be with you!
- jazzy

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