Anakin & The Ill-Fated Padawan

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TW: Mentions of death and cancer (if that's a TW). PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY EITHER OF THOSE! Besides that, enjoy this quick-little angst one shot :D


End of May or early June, on a picture-perfect afternoon they shared, Anakin received an email bearing the news.

RE: Annual Medical Exam Results for Tano, Ahsoka

Master Skywalker,

Attached below is a holo-pdf of your Padawan Ahsoka Tano's annual medical exam.
Please respond to this email at your soonest possible convience to dicuss the next step.

May the Force be With You,

The Jedi Temple Medical Team, Coruscant Facility.

Anakin knew there was something wrong as soon as the email notification popped up on his holo-pad. Glancing down at Ahsoka, who had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder, he realized he was just a little bit stuck.

So he chose the only option he had: opening the PDF with dread, hoping Ahsoka didn't sense his fear through their bond.


It was official. Anakin Skywalker despised (and feared) important documents.

His worst nightmare had come true as soon as he saw the little red X beside the "Healthy" option smirking up at him.

Diagnostics: Stage III Leukaemia

"Anakin?" a groggy voice mumbled. "What's going on?"

Ahsoka's innocent blue eyes gazed up at him, waiting for him to reassure her that it was alright, that it was just some prank Master Kenobi decided to pull on him.

But it wasn't.

Only now did Anakin put together the pieces.

Easy bleeding
Constant fatigue
Recurring fevers and chills
Unexplained weight loss

She had shown symptoms since 15. He had just been too blind to see that her time with him was coming to an end.

He broke the news to her, as slowly and considerately as possible, while trying to stay strong for her.

But it was difficult.

They both cried, Ahsoka out of anguish and Anakin out of powerlessness.

He had pleaded with the Council to let her undergo treatment until she was cancer-free, but for the most part, they  had declined his pleas. They just did not see the point of spending thousands of credits on an expendable Padawan who may not even survive the treatment.

So with a heavy heart, Anakin was relieved of duty until Ahsoka became one with the Force.

There wasn't much time left for her. Each day, her condition was worsening and it became harder and harder for the young girl to accomplish the simplest tasks.

Her light was fading.

Every day, he stayed by her side. Every day, they did what they normally would in their down time; joking and laughing. But even that was becoming increasingly difficult. It became harder and harder to get even a smile from her.

One night, after he kissed her forehead and bade her good night did it truly hit him.

He would never see those beautiful blue eyes ever again.

He would never be able to hear her sparkling, youthful laugh.

He would never get to prank Mace Windu with her anymore.

It was inevitable. Once he was alone, Anakin let his tears fall.


The following few days, things seemed to look up. Ahsoka was in slightly higher spirits and she laughed a little bit more, despite the circumstances.

It didn't last very long. One afternoon after lunch, Ahsoka called Anakin into her room.

Taking his hand, she whispered meekly, "So what if it's us, and only us? And what came before won't count anymore, or matter?"

He had no response to give her.

Ahsoka smiled sadly, the words "I love you" lingered on her lips as her eyes fluttered shut, chest falling for the for time.

She was gone.

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