Smile Through It All | Finale, Part 2

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Anakin, Ahsoka and the group of younglings stood before the united Jedi High Council, each Master present with a look of solemn determination on their faces. As Anakin pressed his charges against the rebellious younglings, Ahsoka's mind wandered. It was the first time she'd been to the Council Chambers in person, and she was fascinated by the intricate architecture and glorious design. Yet, as she turned to briefly observe each Master, there was only one question on her mind. Why was there an empty seat?
She didn't get the chance however, when her line of thought was interrupted, however, when Master Windu turned his attention to the clique.

"Kyrena Baldot, Pierre Tsun'd, Maverick Powers and Aline Tim. Knight Skywalker has reported multiple attacks on Ahsoka Tano, all of which you were deemed responsible. In addition, he charged you with sedition against the Republic and attempted murder of a fellow classmate. How do you plead?"

"N-not guilty, Master," Kyrena stuttered nervously.

Mace huffed in disappointment. He had hoped that they would at least be honest and come forward with the truth. Honesty would've reduced their sentence slightly; just enough to humiliate them on a personal level.

"Prosecution, can you present any more evidence?"

"Yes Master, I can," Anakin replied, pulling out his holo-pad.

The sinking feeling in Kyrena's stomach mounted. This was the end of her career in the Jedi Order.

"Younglings Baldot, Tsun'd, Powers, and Tim," Mace thundered, "due to an overwhelming amount of evidence, a unanimous vote was cast. From here on out, you are all expelled from this Order."

The exact moment as the words landed, each Master stood up. Yoda went first. Hobbling over to Kyrena, he snatched her lightsaber from her belt. As he levitated it in the air, his own green blade ignited and promptly cut accused's hilt in four.

Windu went next. He took Aline's saber and the same procedure took place. Soon, all of their lightsabers were nothing but miserable, sparking pieces of metal, representing their utmost shame and failure.

"You are to pack all belongings into your suitcase, and we will escort you out of the Temple within an hour." Master Plo Koon rumbled. "Do you have anything else to say, Master Yoda?"

"Have anything to say, I do not," Yoda sighed. "More than disappointed, I am, in you."

"Before we adjourn this session," Mace continued, "Master Kenobi and I have an announcement."

Turning his gaze towards Anakin, the Jedi Master allowed the smallest of smiles to appear on his face. "Congratulations on a most successful handling of this complicated situation."

"Yes," Obi-Wan agreed, stepping forward. "Throughout it all, you thought clearly about the next step and have made no brash decisions from acting upon your feelings. You've become much more responsible; this was proven to me from day-to-day duties to work on the battlefield as well. You have proven to be an extraordinary Jedi, and we are proud of you." As Kenobi finished speaking, a blue gleam filled the room, as the other Masters followed, lightsaber blades coming to life.

"Therefore... we hereby grant Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker the rank of Master."

Anakin's mouth fell open. He was speechless. The rank of Master... this had been his dream ever since he joined the Order. It had finally come true, after years of hard work. "Thank you, Masters," he finally said as he took a bow after moments of intense silence. "I am honoured."

"Take a seat, young Skywalker."

"I will," he said, "but first, I'd also like to make an announcement."

Anakin turned towards Ahsoka.
"Youngling Tano. Since that day I first met you when you woke up in the medbay, I watched you grow, day by day. It was obvious that you truly have a strong spirit; you made your way out of all the darkness that surrounds this matter. From lightsaber skills, to strength in the Force, you have proven to be a remarkably talented and hardworking Jedi." Anakin's prosthetic arm reached into a pocket on the backside of his belt, retrieving a gorgeous set of Silka beads. "Will you agree to becoming my Padawan?"

It was Ahsoka's turn to find her jaw glued to the floor. Her, Anakin Skywalker's Padawan? Her mind flashed back to all the help he'd provided her during those dark times. The friendly Knight quickly become a prominent, brotherly-figure in her life.

"Yes, Master Skywalker. I would love to."

The Togrutan Padawan grinned from ear to ear. She'd gone from being the bullied girl to Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker's apprentice. Nothing could be better.

The End.

A/N: OMG OMG OMG I LOVED WRITING THIS! MyaviaRaven I hope you enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it!! It went a bit off-track, but I think this was definitely worth it.

I'm gonna update Redemption next (almost there) so I won't give you an update before that's done, but Sparkplug02 your idea will be done next! Stay tuned everyone!

- Jazzy ✨

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