Ice Skating

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A/N: in which Anakin has no clue how to skate and Ahsoka teaches him. Fluff ahead <33


"But Snips," Anakin whined, "I don't how to skate."

"It's alright, I'll teach you!"

It was a chilly winter morning, the perfect time to visit their local ice rink. Ahsoka had everything planned for the day: she'd (do whatever it takes to) drag her Master to the arena, skate, and get hot chocolate on the walk back. Their warm breath and the steam curling up from the paper cups would contrast beautifully against the cold air. It'd resemble the complex patterns of a mandala. When they returned home, Netflix would be turned on, and they'd spend the rest of the night bonding — not as Master and Apprentice, but as brother and sister.

Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when Anakin continued to grumble.

"But my ego," he huffed. "Imagine what people would think when the great Anakin Skywalker, Hero With No Fear, can't even skate?"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. Leave it to him to gripe about hurting his oversized ego. "It's fine," she answered shortly. "Nobody will recognize you."

"But people know-"

"No, they won't. For safety and protection, everyone is required to wear a helmet and hockey cage. As long as they don't see a lightsaber hooked to your belt, you'll be fine."

Anakin sighed. He'd once read a book series, where this oblivious boy realizes he's a famous wizard and eventually ends up defeating a dark lord. He didn't remember much, but one character in particular stuck out, highlighted in neon yellow.

Weasley, Skywalker thought. Her name was Ginny Weasley.

The redhead was fierce. Whenever she set heart on doing something, nothing could convince her to back out.

Ginny reminded him a lot of Ahsoka. The similarity between the two of them was scary. Sometimes, Anakin could swear his Padawan was in fact Ginevra Molly Weasley after a Transformation spell gone wrong.

"Alright," he answered somewhat reluctantly, "I'll come."

The Knight was not sure how fast someone's expression could change from irritation to elation in less than a second. "Perfect!" Ahsoka cheered. "we're leaving in ten minutes."


Exactly nine minutes, fifty-nine seconds and one hundred milliseconds later, the Togruta was dragging her sputtering master around town, determined to teach Anakin to skate. Living for so long without knowing how to skate? Ahsoka shuddered. Unbelievable.

The recreation centre was grandiose. The ones located near her home on Shili were small; they barely managed to fit two rinks. This one, however, included countless rinks, pools, ping pong tables, cafés, and more. The only time the Padawan remembered being here was when she'd been around seven. One of the nicer Jedi Masters had brought them here on a field trip. They'd all learned to skate- Ahsoka was, of course, the top of her class. She'd been taught before, and the girl was certain that as soon as her skate blades touched the ice, everything would work out again.

Not only that, the Christmas decorations and overall architecture were elegant and eloquent.

Shoot, she muttered. Before I memorize every little detail, we should go get changed.

"C'mon," Ahsoka beamed. "Let's go."


"Remind me why I bothered to let you drag me here again?"

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