Leon Chapter 3

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None of us found anything... I need to find something calming, I'll find somewhere to practice ballet, I wonder where I could practice... Maybe the gym! Before I knew it Monokuma made his annoucement. It was nightime. I took off my shoes, pin and sweater like the night prior and plopped down on my bed. I quickly hugged my pillow and stared at the door. I slowly fall into another night of tossing and turning.


"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" Monokuma's morning annoucement. I tie on my shoes as normal and head out to the gym. I wonder if he would respond if I called to him to ask him about music...

"Oh Mr. Monokuma~!" I yell into the gym's open air. He suddenly pops up out of nowhere.

"Why hello there! What is it that you're inquiring about?" He asks. He was being really polite, it was weird considering he dragged us into a game like this, and y'know, almost killed Mondo.

"Um... I was wondering if you had any scores for ballet and a music player so I could practice to calm my nerves a bit... I need to think with my clarity in my mind," I say to the robot bear.

"Well I guess I can make an exception this once, I mean, your ultimate really does revolve around music! It would be awkward if you were practicing without any music! Upupupu!" He exclaimed. He handed me a CD and a CD player.

"Thank you Mr. Monokuma," I say. I guess being polite to a murderous teddy bear really does have its benefits. I look at the CD and look back at Monokuma who is now gone. I look back at the CD. Swan lake... Of all the ballet's in the world he chose to give me Swan Lake. I plug the CD player into the wall and put in the CD. The music immediately starts playing. I notice something next to the player. It's my scrunchie! I tie my hair up. Then I take off my sweater and start by restarting the song. I start with a plier and start to do the choreography for the opening song, Swan's Theme. I got lost in the soundtrack and was on the third song, and as I do a Jeté I hear someone clapping and open my eyes and see that someone had come in and was watching me. It was Leon. I immediately stop.

"Care to tell me why you're here?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"I heard music and came to see what it was, that was really cool Y/n!" He exclaims, a smile on his face.

"Oh, I asked Mr. Monokuma," I say looking at the security camera.

"You call the build-a-bear reject Mister?," he laughs. Monokuma pops out.

"Excuse me?! I've already said, I AM NOT A BUILD-A-BEAR REJECT!" Monokuma exclaims angrilly. I laugh.

"Oh look you made Mr. Monokuma mad Leon," I laugh.

"If I could kill you right now I would! But it you haven't done anything against the rules..." Monokuma says.

"Ferme ta gueule ours!" I yell at Monokuma.

"Damn, I had no clue what you said, but it sounded hot, I-I mean cool, I didn't say hot, you're not hot I mean you're hot but in a friend way- like- You're lit-," Leon stammers, flustered.

I just laugh and go over and pause the music.

"Why don't we go and hand out in my room Leon?" I smile. 

"Sure! I'm down," He exclaims, smiling back at me.


Leon POV

Why did I do that? I don't like Y/n- At least not in that way, I think? I'm not sure, I mean she's cool and all but... I don't know, my mind is all garbled up. 

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