Chapter 8

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Chihiro is... Dead. And Mondo and Taka are bros..? I walk out of my room and bump into Byakuya. I fall backwards and hit my door. I must have really hit the door hard cause I black out.

When I wake up again, I'm in the nurses office with Byakuya's jacket as a blanket. It smells like roses and Earl gray tea. He notices I'm awake.

"You're awake," He says in his usual cold tone.

"I guess so," I say.

"Is it alright if I ask you... Why you rejected me..?" He asks.

"I... I'm just... I'm still recovering from Leon. I'm not in the condition to be in a relationship right now..." I say looking away.

"I understand. But... If you ever want to, I'm here," He says. I hug him.

"Thank you Byakuya-kun..." I say. He hugs be back and once he separate he goes off to help with the investigation. I'm forced to come to the trial by Monokuma who drags me there by the hand. My head hurts.

~Time skip to right before Mondo is executed~

So... Apparently Chihiro was a dude.

"So... it was you Mondo..?" I say.

"BRO WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Taka runs up to Mondo and bangs on his chest.

"MONOKUMA PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU NOT TO KILL HIM!" He yells. Mondo looks down at him and wipes his tears. Then he gives Taka a hug. He kisses Taka's forehead.

"I'm sorry... Taka..." He mutters.

I feel like I'm watching a replay of myself before Leon died.

We watch Mondo's execution. I comfort Taka during it. I know what it's like to lose your best friend to this. He cries into my shoulder and I stroke his back. I make sure doesn't see it, but at the end of the execution Taka turns his head around just in time to see Mondo coming out as butter.

"Taka-Kun..." I say trying to get him to turn around, but as I look into his eyes they look... Sad, empty. I know what that feels like. I'm going to help him through this. If it's the last thing I do. I swear...

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now