Chapter 4

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Byakuya POV

   A woman's smile, brown curly locks of hair, purple lipstick, the scent of lavender, halls of Greek inspired architecture, Wisteria lining the walls. Four girls standing side by side, the eldest, sharing her father's H/C hair with her mother's curly locks, the middle child, with bobbed (Hair texture) brown hair. and the youngests with their hair in braids, also brunettes, and twins. They all seemed older than me. They all had the same Purple eyes as their father and mother. But, hiding behind the skirt of her mother's dress, was a girl with (Hair texture) H/C hair and E/C eyes. She had a bow hairclip. She was incredibly shy. Our parents had an arranged marriage meeting for us.

   I jolt awake to the sound of Monokuma's voice.

   "Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!¨ He said as always. I guess I just became used to it. I decide to wait and lay on my bed since I don't go to those stupid breakfast meetings. Suddenly I hear a knock on my door. I answer it to see Y/N. She's as white as paper and she looks as if she's seen a ghost.

  "Maizono-San... She's dead... My best friend's crush is dead..." She said slowly.

"Move out of the way brat," I say. She moves. It's strange, this isn't like her.

Soon Junko ended up being killed by Monokuma.
I procede through the investigation worrying about Y/N. Apparently she spent her time with Leon. Makoto was a wreck. Then came the trial.



I ended up staying in my room with Leon comforting him. But...

"Y/n, just incase anything happens, I want you to have this." he says pulling off one of his rings.

"But Leon this is your grandma's-" He cuts me off.

"I know, and... You're the girl I want to marry Y/n!" He exclaims with a smile. We start talking about what we'll do when we get out of here.


"Leon! Wait for me!"  I called after my best friend.

"Catch me if you can Y/n!" He exclaimed before running into a tree.

"Stupid Leo-" before I could finish my sentence a small rock was thrown at my head. I felt some blood streaming down my face.

"Ha! How stupid do you really think he is? You're the one trying to surpass us "Ms. Ballet Prodigy". You'll never even perform in a show!" My eldest sister laughed as she walked away. I started to cry. I remembered that the Togami family was still at the Manor so I should go get cleaned up-

"Leon- You should go home..." I said. Leon reached out like he wanted to say something, but decided against it and ran to the gate. I waved goodbye and the moment he was out of sight I started to cry under the tree.

"Are you alright?" a little boy with blond hair asked me reaching out his hand. I quickly got up.

"Y-Yes sir, I apologize, I shouldn't be showing such atro-" He cuts me off.

"It's fine, I'm ####### ######! I hope we can be friends- Oh! My father is calling me, I have to go- I'll see you later!" He said before running off to his father. As soon as they were gone my mother ran over to me, which she never did so I was very confused.

"Mother?" I asked. She had a big smile on her face.

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN SWAN LAKE!" she yelled before hugging me.

"Like I Would Have Time For Love," ~ (Byakuya Togami X Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now